Greg, this seems to be the same problem I am having, that the transition doesn’t seem to complete with the motors tilted partially up. I thought it was solved by going from 11m/s to 9m/s for ARSPD_FBW_MIN but I still had an intermittent issue since then, although Musa reported that it was fixed with his aircraft after that change. Wish @tridge would come past to comment.
It’s also possible that Q_ASSIST_SPEED must be lower than ARSPD_FBW_MIN otherwise one gets too much ‘assistance’ at the lower airspeeds.
BTW, [quote=“Oubie, post:480, topic:31042”]
If the Nimbus stalls at 11m/s and you have set GPS speed at 15m/s
as soon as you get a tail wind of more than 4m/s the plane will stall.
This is not quite true as whether or not one uses an airspeed sensor, Arduplane calculates the wind speed and direction and will increase the plane’s airspeed to try to always fly at, at least ARSPD_FBW_MIN. (To quote: This is referred to in the aviation business as PFM, Pure F’ing Magic.
The magicians (Tridge and Paul) use accelerometers to calculate the approximate wind velocity.)
There’s more about that here: