new FFT Filter setup and review web tool

We have recently added a new filter setup tool that should speed up the processes of filter setup. It can be found at:

The key feature is the ability to estimate the post filter results from a pre-filter log, this eliminates the need to do several post filter flights.

You just need a log with either “Raw IMU” selected in LOG_BITMASK or batch logging enabled.

Load the log and select a stable section in the flight data plot to for a clean look at the vibration profile. After selecting a section hit the calculate button. (Note that the it can take quite a while to processes logs, your browser might warn that the pages is not-responding.)

The FFT plot then shows the noise, as you may be familiar with from our other FFT tools. You can plot each IMU and each axis. There is pre-filter, post-filter and estimated post-filter. If pre-filter data is available a post filter estimate will be calculated, this estimate can be updated by changing the filter parameters and re-calculating the results (don’t forget to hit the calculate button).

The spectogram shows how the noise changes over time and plots the notch tracking sources, the tracking should follow the peaks.

The bode plot shows the mean transfer function along with the range, this can be used to see the how much phase lag the filters generate.

I have done a demo with some example logs that covers how the tool works in more detail:

The code can be found on Github here:

Feedback and Pull requests welcome!


Would this work (and make sense) with a Fixed Wing - or does it only apply to multi-rotor/vtol vehicles?

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This looks amazing! Thanks for all the hard work you are putting into it.

Can you clarify for me: If I use it on a flight without a notch filter enabled (initial test flight for example), would the filter configuration window suggest values or will it allow me to try out my own values to see in the estimated post-filter graphs?


Yeah, works fine for plane, just be aware that the throttle tracking is for VTOL throttle not forward throttle.


It will not suggest values, it just pulls the current config from the log. But it will allow you to try out new configurations without having to repeat the flight and log post filter.


Do you think batch logging or raw IMU logging would be best? What are the considerations?

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Can we get a student to build an AI that would be able to do that?

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Probably wouldn’t even need an AI. Just iterate base frequencies until area under the curve is minimized, then reduce bandwidth until an increase in integral area is observed. I’d think that would get pretty close.

Similar procedural analysis of available telemetry and frequency peak count could arrive at recommended options/modes.


Raw logging removes the quantization noise of batch logging and gives continuous data so your spectogram is much nicer. However this results in much larger logs, F4’s might struggle to keep up with the logging rate.

Batch allows logging of post filter or logging pre and post at once and gives much more manageable log sizes.

Personally I have been using raw logging.


@iampete Fantastic work!
I will definitely be using this extensively.
I’ve been testing it out on a couple of logs with a spread of frequencies that dont quite make sense and this has really helped to simplify and better target the HNOTCH settings.

I would point out this is not for the feint hearted or first-time user - you have to know your harmonic notch filter settings and what to look for - but it sure cuts down on the number of test flights.

@iampete Updates
Browser: Firefox 114.0.1 (64-bit), Win11 - Update2, flight data section works OK in Chrome.
I havent been able to get this (in general) to work with older logs, even around copter 4.2 (and maybe even earlier 4.3) but I’ll see if I can find more logs to test - selecting the log to load doesn’t produce any outcome or CPU load - I’m watching the CPU graph to tell when processing is underway or finished.
I havent seen the attitude/throttle graph populated yet, although that is not very important.


I don’t know if this helps at all @iampete - but I flew this today on my “no GPS” test vehicle. I turned on raw IMU logging and ran it through the tool. It looks pretty clean. If you have any thoughts about tuning, I’d appreciate it.
This is the log: Dropbox - 00000120.BIN - Simplify your life
And here is what the tool shows:

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I’ve had a verified win with the Filter Review Tool ! (well it’s someone else’s copter, not mine…)

As mentioned in the linked discussion, I dont think I would have been able to predict the required HNOTCH settings using the MissionPlanner FFT graphs alone. I probably would never have tried the frequency that was actually required, and would have resigned myself to thinking the “old way” was as good as it was going to get, with some noise remaining, not so effectively filtered.

I’m still waiting to hear back from another person where I used the Filter Review Tool to improve their rather ineffective HNOTCH settings.

I changed to using Chrome with the filter tool, Firefox just wasn’t working properly. There is still a few minor display or usability issues - but nothing that affects the results. For example clicking on a pre-filter heading (like Pete does in the video) doesn’t select all X Y Z check boxes. I still have to click each individual X Y Z for the pre/post/estimate graphs I want.


Great, glad to hear is useful!

Sorry, I miss spoke in the vid, you have to double click the headings.

To be honest I have only ever tried it with chrome. Optimizations for different browsers is well outside my expertise.

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Brave works fine.

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2nd win!
I was struggling to get much improvement with the old way of eye-balling the MP graphs and trying to guess at the HNOTCH settings. There was always a mess of frequencies and noise even in the post-filter.
Now it’s clean, and I’m sure this lack of noise almost makes PIDs less prone to oscillations and odd behaviour.




That’s a major difference! Was it a case of trial and error in the filter tool until the post-filter estimate looked good?

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Somewhat, yes - there’s not much trial and error when you can so easily see the effect of changes :slight_smile:

Note that in the Filter Review Tool the tendency is to try and set INS_HNTCH_HMNCS so that every significant peak is covered by a notch, and you end up with a value like 47 , yet in reality a value of 7 usually does the job and all those extra harmonics disappear anyway.


need help deciphering filter settings for this log

62inch propeller and u15xxl motor from tmotor

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I couldnt load the log in the filter review tool, it’s too big - at least for the FFT tools
Have you got a smaller log?

The only useful thing I could do was extract parameters, and normal log review.
You’ve got default Rate PIDs, you could probably try lower judging by the attitude control


In you log bitmask, add PID to logging.

FFT has likely picked up on a harmonic instead of the base frequency:


Probably about double what the real base frequency would be. So you would need to change to
guessing a bit, but it was 25

I think these are reversed:

INS_ACCEL_FILTER,20  //  should be 10
INS_GYRO_FILTER,10   //  should be 20

If that was a short flight then you would have to disable the IMU RAW logging and just use:

INS_LOG_BAT_MASK,1   //  or 3 or 7

The other things to note are:

  • no battery failsafe actions
  • no geofence
  • no Motor Emergency Stop RC channel assignment

If you’ve seen what damage a 30inch CF prop can do, you wouldnt stand within a mile of this thing without every possible safety feature in place (and then some).


It loads for me, but as you say its very big. Peak memory usage of about 3.7 GB. I’m not really sure how much we can do about this, we could give the option to not load all the IMUs that are in the log.

I have seen logs that give a out of memory error, I’m not sure if that is a hard coded limit that is the same for every browser/device or if it depends on how much memory you actually have free.

Mostly were using memory to save time, for example on first load we run the FFT over the whole log then if you change your analysis time it just re-averages the original FFT over the new time period. That means we have to keep all the FFT data in memory. We could throw away that data and recalculate each time, this would save a bunch of memory but mean that re-plotting takes just as long as the first load.

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