ZR10 2K QHD 30X Hybrid Zoom Gimbal Camera - SIYI's first industry gimbal camera and it won't be the last

Hello, I have a problem with one of our SIYI ZR10. Indeed, there is no more telemetry and video signal. I have already tried updating all firmware to the latest version but nothing happens. We have another ZR10 and it works well. All parameters are the same. How could it be resolve ?

Hello, I have the zr-10 all setup on radio connection via my cube orange, but I can’t get the rtsp stream to work. I have no clue how to setup an rtsp server, and the few guides that I’ve tried to follow seem to assume some prior knowledge in doing so. Are there any step-by-step guides on how I can stream the video from the camera over the Ethernet connection? I’ve tried to follow this guide, but can’t seem to get it to work. https://superuser.com/questions/1420328/streaming-rtsp-with-ffmpeg


Missing a lot of info in your question.

ZR-10 on radio connection via Cube orange
What and how?

setup an rtsp server?
no need for

how I can stream the video from the camera over the Ethernet connection?
What is your Ethernet connection?

Basically, your ZR-10 is the RTSP server you connect your display unit to that is running an RTSP viewer. You give the viewer the IP address and port of the ZR-10 (with a few parameters) and there you go. But question here, what did you do to set-up a LAN?

Dear SIYI, I’ve noticed inconsistencies with the absolute zoom functionality. For instance, when attempting to zoom to a level of 1, the actual output seems to default to 1.5. This further discrepancy complicates my efforts to achieve specific zoom levels.

I’m seeking a solution that will allow me to accurately zoom to both the minimum and maximum extents, and also to achieve precise intermediate zoom levels.

The primary issue here is the lack of static stability in the zoom function, I mean if the error is 0.5 zooming from 1 to 4.5 it should always have the same error. This feature is crucial for camera calibration, and its inconsistency is severely affecting the utility of the device.

Could you kindly provide further assistance in resolving these issues?

Hi Bart,

Thank you so much for your reply. Please see below for all of the details that I have regarding where I currently am in the process of getting video off of the ZR-10.

First, I followed the following setup for obtaining radio control of the ZR-10 via various channels on my radio module through the UART connection on the cube orange. https://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/common-siyi-zr10-gimbal.html

Once I confirmed that was working by testing it with both the assigned radio channels and the “point camera here” function on Mission Planner, I moved on to trying to get the video output. I quickly realized that I would need an air unit for the remaining connections, but saw that there was the video → ethernet cable included with the camera, so I wanted to try that with the on-board linux computer first, prior to purchasing an air unit.

Reading the manual for the ZR-10, I noted that I’d need an rtsp video connection. I am probably referring to this connection incorrectly, but I don’t have any experience with these types of connections. You said that the ZR-10 is basically an RTSP server, which is what I’ve seen online a lot, and is the part that’s confusing me the most right now.

The on-board computer on the aircraft has an ethernet port, which I was going to connect to the ethernet connection for the video to be saved to that computer. I was trying to test this on the bench with another computer, and tried following the directions at the previous link to do so, but I think I misunderstood something about what was necessary to setup the server part. If I wanted to do it this way, would I plug the ZR-10 into a router via the ethernet port on the provided cable, then would I connect to it over wifi somehow with the rtsp connection address specified in the manual?

Sorry for the long reply, and thank you so much for your help.

Good start! Now the ZR10 has an IP address of if you get your computer in the same address range you should be at least be able to ping it.
If you now take a RTSP viewer, VLC does it but with high latency. Personally I use the RTSP Client from Happytimesoft, you can open the network stream: rtsp://
and move forward from there.

1 Like

Hey Bart,

I’m really sorry for all of the stupid questions, but I tried to ping the IP’s that you suggested, both through my computer’s Ethernet port via the SIYI zr-10 Ethernet connection cord, and through the router that my computer is connected to, also via the zr-10’s Ethernet connection cord, but neither worked.

I also tried to download both VLC and Happytimesoft, but I’m not sure what’s going wrong in the setup for either. I guess because the ping doesn’t work in the terminal, it won’t work in either rtsp streaming client, but still here are the setups for both:

  • VLC: I set the Network Stream address to rtsp://, but it didn’t work.

  • Happytime rtsp: I tried to edit the config file for the rtsp version of Happytime

    I then tried to run the ./start.sh script and recieved the following error, which I can’t find any answers for online. Do you know where I can possibly find a step-by-step guide on how to setup the rtsp viewer for the provided ethernet cable for the zr-10?

    The log file that it references says the same error as the terminal.

Thanks in advance,


I made a big typo in my last message.
I wrote: “Now the ZR10 has an IP address of” this should have been: Now the ZR10 has an IP address of! My bad, sorry.

However, in my RTSP string it was correct: “rtsp://” So if your network was set-up right, at least VLC should have be able to connect.

You have to connect the ZR10 directly to the computer with the right static network settings.
If you are unable to ping from your computer, your network settings are wrong.
You should start there.
By the way, the serverport is 8554 and not main.264

Hey Bart,

I’m sorry for the persistent dumb questions, but what would be the proper way to setup the network settings?

On Windows, I’ve tried to configure the port by changing its address to the static IP, but it still wouldn’t work on VLC.

After configuring that on windows, and trying again on linux, the port doesn’t appear anymore on dmesg when plugged in.


Hi @Nick_Kakavitsas,

Your networking setup looks incorrect - this is why the rtsp request from VLC is failing - your pings are failing because the network settings are incorrect AND you are pinging the wrong IP. I assume you are using Ubuntu or similar - go to your wired network settings and change your ethernet settings to static (as opposed to DHCP) and your IP address to something within the range - for example, and your netmask needs to be You may need to turn the network adapter off and on again for the change to work.

If you type in ifconfig into your terminal, you should now see your ethernet interface set to the correct IP (

Now try and ping the camera - - if this works, your VLC request should work too.

If that fails - I would take a look at your Ethernet cable wiring.


Thank you so much, that worked!

Is it currently possible to change the exposure time of camera?

Please update the SDK link, this one is not available.

confirm the problem. @SIYI what is the expected timefor solving this problem?


I recently buy a ZR10 gimbal and using with ArduPilot and the Cube Orange. I have update everything on the gimbal, zoom and camera to the latest firmware on the SiYi site and I have control and data through UART and MAVLink. I can make it do commands and take pictures in missions, etc.
However, the worst thing about this gimbal is that it keeps drifting in the roll and pitch!!

We can’t seem to fix this, and there are no instructions about IMU or Accel calibration. We have changed ambient temperature to the correct outside temperature and still no improvement.

@SIYI Can you please help or provide instructions about how to calibrate the IMU and whether this should fix the issue or not?


ZR10 Update Log


New Firmware

ZR10 Camera Firmware v0.2.9 svn947 svn952 2023-07-20

ZR10 Gimbal Firmware v0.3.0 svn6895 2023-07-28.bin

ZR10 Zoom Firmware v0.2.2 svn6826 2023-07-11.bin

New Software / App

SIYI FPV App v2.5.14.644

Main Updates

  1. New feature: Now ZR10 records in .MP4 format.
  2. New feature: Now you can preview pictures taken by ZR10 in the SIYI FPV app or through SDK.
  3. New feature: Videos recorded and pictures taken by ZR10 are organized by date and time in folders.
  4. Optimization: Now the camera can output up to four video streams from the same IP addresses.
  5. New feature: All TCP / UDP commands in SIYI gimbal SDK are available on ZR10 now.
  6. Bug fix: Absolute zoom error.
  7. Optimization: TF card hot plug.

*Mavlink attitude integration and control on ZR10 will come in the next firmware update.


Nice @SIYI, Im currently working with the ZR10 and will go over the changes the next days

The firmware is missing in the link provided…

Thanks for your feedback
The camera firmware file is fixed now

@SIYI @rmackay9 - I managed to get the camera functions (zoom, focus etc.) working in MP with a joystick using the ardupilot latest firmware (and latest ZR10 firmware). However, the zoom functionality seems to behave in a strange way at the transition between optical and digital zoom (tested with different joysticks and both the absolute and normal zoom setting for the ZR10).

With the joystick pushed to increase zoom, the optical zoom phase is smooth - it stops at 10x. I then have to move the joystick back and forth repeatedly in order to increase into the digital zoom - it stops multiple times before reaching 30x.

I don’t have any issues when utilising the SIYI QGC zoom function so it is not the hardware.

Any suggestions?