Trouble with PID tuning I believe

My comment was a bit tongue-in-cheek. Technically, BLHeli32 are among the best ESCs you can buy, but there is a bit of a situation ongoing with the BLHeli dev, see here. For what it’s worth I do believe that there will be some kind of compromise at some point, but at the moment you won’t be able to upgrade your ESCs, which, depending on the currently flashed version, comes with some (IMO neglectable) risk as there have been a few reports of misbehaving (read: spinning up when they shouldn’t) BLHeli32-driven motors with certain versions.

Right. The last BLHeli_32 ESC’s I have purchased came with 32.9 and until all the hoopla over BLHeli_32 shutting down I had never heard of this problem of unexpected spin up. But, that’s because I haven’t used Betaflight on anything in some years and that seems to be the only connection to this problem. I could be wrong about that but we don’t see it mentioned on the forum here. I have updated all of mine to 32.10, which has been out for awhile, but that’s just because I usually do keep things at the latest level, it wasn’t driven by any perceived problem. I have a very dim view of the “if it aint broke don’t fix it” mentality.

@dkemxr I picked up 8 of those esc’s in case in want to convert it over to X8, I appreciate all the input here in the forum. The only negative reviews on them are “bad/cold solder joints”. I’m assuming like all products there will be a few that slip through QC.

I have had 8 of those flying on 2 quads for quite awhile, they seem to be solid.

Pretty sure the whole thing is getting way over-amplified at the moment because it’s used as argument for why it was a really dumb decision to just shut down the servers. And I get it, if I were selling drones commercially I really wouldn’t want there to be chance of accidentally beheading my clients. But in the end I don’t think it adds much to the inherent risk of the hobby.

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I wanted to post an update…

I tore my quad back down and ordered some new esc’s to rule out any issues with them.

I closely inspected my motors and found that they had some serious vertical play on the rotating assemblies. It seems that the main shaft had slipped down and created the play. So I decided to order new motors, for the prior reason and it seemed that the bearings also were about to lock up.

Now I just need to get the Bidirectional DSHOT work with the new ESC’s before the new motors come in.
Thanks to everyone on this thread that has assisted me in trouble shooting my issues!!
@amilcarlucas @Oli1 @dkemxr @Tristan_Redish I really appreciate your help!!