Blheli32 is no more, servers are down, flashing is disabled


Always left a bad taste in my mouth that Blheli32 wasn’t only closed source, but basically a fully fenced off proprietary environment. Oh well, either projects like AM32 will take over, or we’ll see development of completely new firmware.

Either way, it’s a really bad situation for people who depended on Blheli32 for commercial operations.


It’s true and I have had confirmation from a very reliable source that its true and not coming back. I’ve also verified that the servers are down so no more updates. We’ll be making sure that AM32 works in the coming days and of course BlueJay is still around, but BLHeli32 is no more.


No idea how the organizatorial aspect of the ArduPilot project works, but might be a good opportunity to reach out to the AM32 devs and maybe start a cooperation or even integration?

Am32 uses kiss telemetry but I don’t know if it supports bdshot.

Looks like it does:

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Yes we are in contact


FWIW At least the Server Operations may come back online.


I set up a new Copter and i realy need to upgrade my Speedybee F7 V3 ESC otherwhise my Engine dont want to Arm. So i cant upgrade anymore? Are there any other possibility??? Help, i want to FLY. Thanks

The ESC will work with the firmware thats on it, it just cannot be updated.

But my Betaflight say, i need to Update it

Disable DShot telemetry then. Or see if you can get AM32 to run on them. If you can then share your experience here and people might forgive you for asking for Betaflight support here :wink:


Where did you get that idea?
Head to a BF Forum and run that line.

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Probably not; the Github repo. for BLHeli is been cleaned:

Lol. Github delete is do secure :sweat_smile:

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Aw man that sucks. BLHeli passthrough finally works consistently. Just go to figure.

has anyone tested AM32 with ardupilot?

Yeah, it works for the most part I believe. I have some ESCs arriving soon that I will flash and do a full flight test on.


Is AP_ESC going to come back?

On their GitHub there is of course the option to checkout and still have all the hexes to flash for Multi as well, but I never understood the difference between these they call “test code” and the ones downloaded with the Suite.
They are certainly not the same, but more to the point, what would be the reason for these test code ones?