Hello I have a problem:
Throttle function works strangely I have the stick in the center(on the remote it is set as zero point) and PixHawk sees it as minimum,when going up and in when going down the PWM increases.So I have a few questions :
what is this related to?
what settings are responsible for this?
how to fix it?
I also have questions about the right and left throttle
what settings are responsible for them?
which RC channel is responsible for them?
Thanks for the answer (And please answer point by point so I do not get confused)
Set your TX to a default model, no mixers, no expo, no special curves on the inputs. Center stick PWM should be around 1500us, stick down/reverse 1000us and stick up/forwards 2000us.
Well in my picture in servo calibration 3RC channel is divided into two more channels.I need to remove this
If you need attach a video here, I’ll record it
If you need any specific information, write about it