July 14, 2020, 10:37am
Greetings…first post here.
I have seen several post that don’t quite answer my question so decided to ask here:
Using ublox NEO-M8N on Pixhawk, I need to generate an *.obs file.
I saw an old post here that was never answered:
Hi everyOne,
i’m working on a project where GPS accuracy is a very important task that need to be done.
in that case i need to use the famous RTKLIB liberary wich require the base and rover OBS file.
Based on what i checked, most people can get it all that files (GPX, KMZ, KML or CSV) including the RINEX OBS one directly from Mission Planner using Dataflash Log tab, then press the “Generate KML + GPX” button in Mission Planner.
That the opposite in my case. I think because of the GP…
ublox forums have some info about using u-center to “turn on” RAWX and SFRBX to be able to generate *.obs and *.nav files.
My question: what is the best way to go from Pixhawk BIN or log file to *.obs file?
Can someone point to a god set of instructions?
What are you trying to do? As far as I know obs and nav files are only used/useful for RTK, for which you need an RTK capable GNSS receiver (such as the NEO-M8P).
July 14, 2020, 10:58am
Trying to do PPK and the obs is required for that, i.e. RINEX and not proprietary ubx file.
The M8N is officially not supported to do RTK/PPK. There are workarounds read here , but you for sure won´t get the raw measurements from the Pixhawks .bin log file.
July 14, 2020, 12:03pm
Appreciate the pointer ! Very useful.