MicroArduCopter, 3" props, Omnibus Nano, Success!

Good news!! with FHLD_FILT_HZ 2
it flies almost well with few oscillates!!
Can I go down to less than 2?

There are some P & D terms for FHLD you could also try reducing those instead

Thanks, do you remember which are?



Hi all,
have you seen this great job?
Are the parameters that come out correct for our little 3 "quadcopters?

Yes, that guide is great! I think his limits on the graphs are for 5" props, but you can interpolate down to 3"ā€¦ I havenā€™t tuned from scratch in quite a while, but reading through the guide, I think it covers everything.

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It might be a good idea to put it on the wiki, especially for small quads.
Additional information on optical flow sensors for small quads that are often used indoors should also be added.
I am using this sensor (it can take about 10 usd on Aliexpress) and it seems to go quite well on a 3 "although it is still not perfect.


This is example of use from flowhold to althold on my 3 "(18650 powered)

Are you using the optical flow sensor without range finder?

yes! Only a clone of this:


Im away to build a new 3 incher,is the Hollybro Kakute F7 mini and Tekko 32 F3 4 in 1 esc A good setup to run ardupilot on

Hi Marty,
The FC is 20x20 mount, and the ESC is the 30.5x30.5 size. Also, my only experience using those metal FET ESCā€™s was on a luminier razor, and it was super inefficient. I donā€™t know why or if it was related to the metal fetsā€¦ But, I got about 2 minutes less flight time with itā€¦ from over 6 min to under 5 min. I put a different ESC on it, and my flight time came backā€¦ It was definitely the ESC.

Also, the kakute f7 mini is much more sensitive to vibrations than the omnibus nano. It has a different IMU. I had a hard time getting the vibrations low enough on a few copters I built w/ the kakute. I eventually got them working, but had to balance my props much better than I ever had before, and use softer mounting for the flight controller. had to check every wire and antenna and everything that could possibly be loose and moving around during a flight. I didnā€™t have to do any of that w/ the omnibus nano copters using the same frame and motors.

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Thank you maybe just go omnibus any other decent 20x 20 fb with baro and sca/sdl pads please

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The pickings are few because it needs 1Mb flash also. Itā€™s one of these or the other. Revo Mini but not many posts about those and you want something others are using. Otherwise you will end up in a thread with crickets chirping. Like the Arducoptrer 3.2 thread :grinning:

My 3" isnā€™t flying any longer but when it was the Omni Nano V6 worked OK. Some issues that are in this thread but it was flying OK before ā€œThe Endā€.


I think @MartyMcFly is referring to the mini ESC by the same name which is 20x20. My experience is that it is a great ESC.

@MartyMcFly what kind of battery are you planning to fly on? I fly these two on 4s without issue, but if you want 2s then maybe consider something else.

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thank you Andy,I will be using 4s so that is good news about the esc is the f/c ok to use with arducopter or should i try and get an omnibus but they seem like henā€™s teeth at the moment,am taking note of every thing.I want to do this project correctly so your inputā€™s are all important to me

I have that pairing (Kakute F7 Mini + Tekko Mini) and it flies great on 4s


Brilliant Andy,what motors did you go with please

T-Motor F20 II. They are insanely powerful but run really smooth

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Cheers project 3 inch back on track thank you

Here you can found link of my nano v6 3" miniquad. Fly time about 14 minutes 2s 18650, gps compass fpv 400mW optical flow.


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