Mavlink to FrSky S.Port Passthru Converter for LRS or PX4 Pro

This one:

tried my DIY ones also which work fine on normal FrSky RX + FC to Yaapu on my T16s

I could just take my module setup with a Teensy + ESP-01 and reflash it to relay mode and use it, I suppose… but would like to keep that module intact for future possible use…

Very frustrating…reflashing the Teensy to relay mode does not work either with current firmware…the MAVLINK led goes solid indicating its getting the data but its not making it out to the RX Sport…I even tried going back to 1.0.10 but the circular buffer libraries are messed up and at this point I dont feel like messing with it! so I have no relay option at this point…

btw, the only things I changed in the config was the Mode for both the Heltec and Teensy since its setup for the Heltec variant if the Teensy board is not autodetected…and I believe in the case of the Heltec I did not even have to do that since I could change modes in the WebApp if I desired…

if someone can point me to a recent commit (using current libraries) that they know works for either Teensy or Heltec in relay mode, I would really appreciate it! I will just checkout that commit and build

Hi Henry

Thank you for this feedback.

I went back and did indeed find a nasty bug affecting Air and Relay mode. It crept in while I was adding Mavlite functionality. Stupid and entirely my fault. I apologise for the frustration this has caused you and others.

Could you try v2.62.7. Both ESP and Teensy versions should work, but I simply don’t have time today to test them both.

Hi Yaniv

Today I fixed a nasty bug in Air and Relay modes, and I wonder if this has been affecting you. My apologies for this. Could you try v2.62.7.


thanks…glad you found the issue…I already had gotten a drop from someone to get Teensy running in relay and finished up my relay box with that and a CUAVPWLINK wifi (8266 with pcb antenna running Mavlink 2 code) …but will mockup the Heltec with the new code tomorrow…thanks again

Thanks Eric, I can confirm relay mode is now working…

here is a Heltec Relay hookup diagram for the wiki:

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Thank you Henry. Nice work!

I’ll post it on the Wiki

Hi Colin,

I’ll take a look at this for you. Give me a day or two :slight_smile:

well to i got rid of the old Bluetooth modules off my antenna tracker for some ESP32 devkit modules
left side is RFD900x an on the right is ULRS UHF system :grinning:
this script getting better and better

Thanks Eric for all your hard work and support :+1:

next job is to try and inject ULRS mavlink TX pin to the cube runing ardupilot antenna trackers serial port running mavlink and see i can get to see the plane track it

Hi Eric,

I’ve tested v2.62.7 but still Taranis display “No Data”.
Here is the requested debug fileDebug Mav Frs Loop.txt (1003.6 KB)

Hopefully you will find what is missing,


Hey Colin, this is the business! If I interpret this picture correctly you are tracking the UAV with both control and video, but on different bands? What is the third yagi for? Maybe to switch polarisation between vertical and horizontal? And GPS for home location?

Hi Yaniv

Your problem is right here below. Mav2PT is receiving a type #33 GPS message, but the GPS co-ordinates are zero, meaning you do not have a GPS fix. The rest of the data looks good. Are you doing this testing indoors? I test indoors with the GPS on the window sill, which is good enough for my purposes.

Mavlink from FC #33 GPS Int: ap_lat=0.000000 ap_lon=0.000000 ap_amsl=1 ap33_alt_ag=0.7 ap33_vx=0.00 ap33_vy=0.00 ap33_vz=0.00 ap33_gps_hdg=210.9

Thanks for the feedback Henry. I posted the Dragonlink diagram. :+1:


some of my planes only use UHF only some DIY 1Watt modules that has control and mavlink thats big yagi on the right

its running Ardupilot tacker firmware 900x and the cube do control link and the tracking but the tracker dose not work with the UHF system yet its
but i am going to try and take mavlink tx pin off the uhf module thats on uhf your module and see if i can feed it to the antenna tracker i cant see why it will no work

the way its working on uhf side is manual tracking only

Hi mate! Would it be possible to set bluetooth password on esp32 through the mav2pt firmware?

“bluetooth password on esp32”

Hi Erwin

Ok, I’ll look at this for you.

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Hi Eric,

Today, I went out to a clear sky area, so now for sure there is GPS reception but still Taranis telemetry alerts “no data”.
I’ve attached two debug files (without debug period loop that looked OK previously)GPS.txt (111.7 KB) GPS2.txt (91.0 KB)
