Mavlink to FrSky S.Port Passthru Converter for LRS or PX4 Pro

i think you miss under stood
i have upload MtP the wireless and blue tooth are working but theirs no mavlink as yet because of the pins i dont know where to put the 900x tx and rx pins

i have been using 2.61.0 with out an issue with the tx mod the only issue i did have on that version was with r900x stopped sending packets with version RFDSiK V3.14 rfd900x soon as i update it stopped
i have many hours with 2.61.0 and 900x with V3.15

I have updated to 2.61.0 and also updated the RFD Module to V3.16 (have been using V3.15 before), but the issue still persists. Any more recommendations/ideas/things to try?

I like to know if there is a way to do something like this but not sacrificing the crossfire options.
I also use my TX16s with crossfire for other quads.
Only my bigger arucopter build uses mavlink.

I’m also after a lot of reading confused How to get all this working.

I’m using a crossfire diversity reciever on the quad.
Using the full size Crossfire with buetooth in my TX16S, I can use a groundstation linked over bluetooth with the crossfire module.

I like to sometimes not use the groundstation but use the Yaapu script without loosing the option to use a groundstation over bluetooth.

I don’t really know where to begin :slight_smile:




no gpio 14 pin on this unit

Oops. Ok, I see. Try 15 then.

Hi David, if the LED is blinking it means you lost telemetry in, but you say wifi is disabled. Are you in AP mode and does your SSID (hotspot name) disappear? Or do you stop getting telemetry at the ground station?

If you run it on the bench, does the problem still happen? If so, then you could try watching the debug messages coming out of serial1. You will need a TTL<=>USB converter to do that.

fingadar is the right guy to ask :+1:

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I only use AP mode and the SSID disappears, when this happens. I can also reproduce the problem on the bench, but it takes quite a lot of time. I’ll try to watch the debug messages and report back.

nothing on that gpi0 17

The TX16S has an external uart connection and also usb.
Would it somehow be possible to use the usb port with an ESP8266 for example connected over wifi with the crossfire module and passing the passthroughtelemetry over usb to the radio?

This way you can construct a simpel cable it ESP8266 that you can just plugin your radio when you need it, and I can leave my crosssfire module alone for when I use it with my other drones.

it should work you just need to add a Teensy 3.2 to your crossfire module and feed the s-port data to TX on the S-port pin

it should work you just need to add a Teensy 3.2 to your crossfire module

Which debug options should I enable?

Also code doesn´t compile with #define Debug_WiFi enabled.

I’ll check that out.

I would suggest #define Mav_Debug_All

but you will get the mother of all debug messages. Just ignore them until the board stops.

The 8266 libraries don’t seem to support my #define Debug_WiFi.

For now, I suggest that you select this at compile time:

If you mean let’s use an ESP8266 board with a usb adapter on it, unfortunately not without a host usb hat or some other modification. The usb port on those boards is enabled in “client” mode, not “host” mode. There is no host driver, like on your PC.

For interest, I’ve ordered some cheap usb host boards to play with, but don’t have a solution right now.

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Did you try 15? I’m not clear which pins are already used by the board. When I get mine I’ll be able to help a bit more.

This is all I get from the serial monitor (at 115200 baud):


Starting MavToPass_v2.61.0 …
EEPROM initialised successfully
Target Board is ESP8266 / Variant is ESP-F - RFD900X TX-MOD
Ground Mode
Battery_mAh_Source = 3 - Define battery capacities in the LUA script
RSSI Automatic Select
Mavlink Serial In
Mavlink WiFi Out - Protocol is UDP
No Bluetooth options selected, BT support not compiled in
Mavlink serial input on pins rx = 3 and tx = 1
S.Port on ESP is inverted
S.Port on ESP is 1-wire simplex on tx pin = 4

For some reason the serial output stopped at Us…

That does not mean the board stopped. Maybe try a different speed, or try a different terminal program, like this
Tera Term - Download