Mavlink to FrSky S.Port Passthru Converter for LRS or PX4 Pro

No, the board still works fine, only the debug serial is stopped for some reason. How do you change the debug baud? I could only find mavlink and fr baud in config.h.

I never had an issue with the Arduino serial monitor, so I don´t think the issue is here.

void setup() {


Try changing this

Do you mean the S-port pin in the module bay?
I assume that is in use by the module. Doesn’t that mean that you cannot use the crossfire functions anymore like I said?

does cross fire use the s-port ?

The Radiomaster TX16S also has an external uart at the bottom of the Transmitter.
Is it maybe possible to connect an esp8266 to that?
Then the ESP8266 recieves the mavlink data over wifi from the wifi module in the module bay from the Crossfire module and converts it and feeds it into the transmitter.

if this works, you can probably also get acces to that uart inside the radio and then just put the ESP8266 inside the transmitter.

all you need is TX pin with the mavlink packets to the RX pin tennsy out of tennsy to s-port in on the TX in side the crossfire case

Is that WF_TX in the picture?
So solder the RX pin from the Teensy to the WF_TX in the crossfire case?

On the other hand… it feels kind of stupid that something in the back of the transmitter has mavlink telemetry available and you have to send it wireless 5cm further to a converter to get it in the transmitter is was already in :smiley:

Mavlink is not frsky S-port that’s why the teensy i am Shaw someone has done it

it will work with any system that has mavlink message but s-port must be frsky radio :+1:

got it working over the s-port change some pin assignments :+1:

Good work Colin. Can you please give us the pins you used and the board variant when you compiled.

Chnaging serial baud and the line ending makes no difference. However the problem was with the onboard RFD module. I exchanged it for a new one and left it running for over an hour without the issue appearing. It is still puzzling why the wifi is disabled in such a case.

Hmmm. I need to check, but maybe if the serial-port-in goes into a waiting-for-data loop, it might not give the other tasks enough time.

However I discovered something else: Battery_mAh_Source 1 (Get battery mAh from the FC) doesn´t work. The battery capacity is not updated in yaapu and always shows 0.

It would be useful for me, because I fly multiple copters with the same transmitter.

Ah, it does work I believe, but in order to get the battery capacity from the FC, the esp board has to talk back to the FC/ uplink RX pin. However, the RDF900/TXMod holds that pin so we can’t use it.

Remind me what your exact wiring is there.

The uplink RX shoud work (it works through wifi/UDP). I am using the onboard esp-f in the TXMOD, so the only extra wiring is from IO4 to the S.Port of the Horus.

edit. And btw. what difference does it make to use TCP instead of UDP? Are there any benefits/drawbacks?

wifi udp does not use serial pins, but txmod does

I prefer udp because it is simpler and seems to perform a tad better.