Height increament of 6.38 m in 30kg agricultural drone

Drone details
Fc: Cube orange
Version: 4.3.2
Gps: Neo 3 pro
Frame type: Hexacopter
motor: Hobbywing x6 plus
Propellers:2480 carbon fibre
Purpose: Agriculture
I am using agricultural drone in field by giving autonomous plan of 5m in relative mode as crop is sugarcane .I kept terrain sensor which is working fine for crops like rice ,groundnut basically of crop height until 1.5 m .In sugar cane as height of crop is 2-5m . Currently the height of crop is 3m So i gave autonomous plan with 5m height but the drone went until 11.38 m to be precise ,I am attaching the log file below. I cannot use any terrain sensor for this purpose can I get any other alternate solution even using any external equipment or changing of parameters or hardware also fine with me
Please share your inputs regarding this issue .I can provide any other details and other logs if required.

[Flight log] (137_log.bin - Google Drive)

You use gps as primary alt source, it had a change in the vertical precision, and the copter followed it.
You have rangefinder, but you don’t use it.

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I tried keeping range finder as primary source but it following the terrain which is not working in sugarcane field .can I know any alternate solution

RTK is probably your best bet.

Already thinking of it .Can you suggest best rtk which fits cube orange

It is my final resolution.can I get any other alternate solution

30Kg drones need to be tuned methodically because they are both dangerous and expensive

And there is no second option, RTK or RTK. There is no way around it.

And get a good RTK base station.

Can you give suggestions regarding rtk ?

Then what about wind and barometer compensations you mentioned in other post with ardupilot methodic configurator

That will improve your height a lot, but not have the same level of precision as RTK

Barometer depends on the weather, and the weather does change.

Anything listed here will work: GPS/Compass (landing page) — Copter documentation

But in your case I would not cheap out but go for an industrial grade solution, or at least add redundancy. As @amilcarlucas said, 30kg are a lot of weight, and six giant spinning plastic blades aren’t something you want to run wild.

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This looks strange. I have done many tests with pixhawk and have seen variation of +_1 mtr. But 5mtr variation is a bit abnormal. Can you check the tuning once again.

I am happy to learn with your experiments. Lemme know the result

Also wondering why pixhawk is seeing so much height fluctuation even after so many version releases. Is this a hardware limitation? Will it be solved by improving barometer? Any fc in pixhawk family which gives better results?

Yes, any FC with an RTK GNSS system and proper methodic configuration, will outperform any other without configuration.

So configuration and tuning is key as well as some basic hardware measures outlined in section 1.1 of the methodic configuration Blog post.

You can not buy yourself your way out of configuring and tuning the copter. Unless you outsource the configuring to someone that can do it. That is the only way that you can trow money at the problem :slight_smile:

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I understand RTK GNSS is a solution. But can you suggest any RTK within budget? How much will it cost for the RTK?

I am planning to do it in large scale then using rtk will increase cost of product still I will try and seeking for other possible solution.Regarding The methodic configurator I installed the app but when I am opening terminal tab is opening and immediately closing

There seams to be a problem with windows 11.

Can you use a windows 10 computer?

I will check it bro and thanks for reply

I think I have fixed the latest “Development build”, it would be great if you could try it.

Ok I will get windows 10 laptop
.thanks for the feedback