Custom Imagery in Mission Planner

The DEM which is in geotiff format is copied to the SRTM directory. How do I find out if my DEM format is supported by gdal? I wish to have the ability to display both the google map tiles of a surveyed area and the DEM file to the pilot using mission planner to plan a mission.


Hi Michael,

I can confirm that my DEM which is in the format of geotiff is supported by gdal.


check this post

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Hello, there is a problem with my TIF file ? Selected option on Global Mapper like in the video

your image is not in wgs84.
looks like its in some other coord system

This is the parameters of Global Mapper

change the projection to Geographic

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It works well ! Thanks :slight_smile:

Just a quick note:
The version of libtiff being used does not like:

  • Tiled Imagery
  • Band-interleaved imagery
  • ZSTD-compressed imagery
  • LERC-compressed imagery

Best bet seems to be to stick with ultra-vanilla Non-tiled, strip-encoded, LZW-compressed imagery.

Hello thre, I have tried to get my geotiff file to be accepted in the latest mission planner.
It seems to load, but there is no altitude data.

From debug:
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoTiff C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: unknown field with tag 33550 (0x830e) encountered
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: unknown field with tag 33922 (0x8482) encountered
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: unknown field with tag 34735 (0x87af) encountered
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: unknown field with tag 34736 (0x87b0) encountered
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: unknown field with tag 34737 (0x87b1) encountered
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: unknown field with tag 42113 (0xa481) encountered
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=GTModelTypeGeoKey TagLoc=0 Count=1 Value/offset=2
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=GTRasterTypeGeoKey TagLoc=0 Count=1 Value/offset=2
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=GTCitationGeoKey TagLoc=34737 Count=13 Value/offset=0
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=GTCitationGeoKey Value=GCS_WGS_1984|
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=GeographicTypeGeoKey TagLoc=0 Count=1 Value/offset=4326
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey TagLoc=0 Count=1 Value/offset=9102
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=GeogEllipsoidGeoKey TagLoc=0 Count=1 Value/offset=7030
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=GeogSemiMajorAxisGeoKey TagLoc=34736 Count=1 Value/offset=0
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=GeogSemiMinorAxisGeoKey TagLoc=34736 Count=1 Value/offset=1
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=GeogInvFlatteningGeoKey TagLoc=34736 Count=1 Value/offset=2
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoKeyDirectoryTag ID=VerticalUnitsGeoKey TagLoc=0 Count=1 Value/offset=9001
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - GeoAsciiParamsTag GCS_WGS_1984|
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - Tie Point (0,0,0) → (9.2415303599874,62.2202885638702,0)
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - Scale (8.97327984480212E-05,8.97327984480212E-05,1)
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - Coverage {Lat=62,2202885638702,Lng=9,2415303599874,WidthLng=3,97067633132494,HeightLat=2,3441796266561}
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - CacheAble False
INFO MissionPlanner.Utilities.GeoTiff - Start Point (0,0,0) → (9.24157522638663,62.2202436974709,0)
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: unknown field with tag 33550 (0x830e) encountered
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: unknown field with tag 33922 (0x8482) encountered
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: unknown field with tag 34735 (0x87af) encountered
ReadDirectory: Warning, C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm\2.tif: unknown field with tag 34736 (0x87b0) encountered

That files is converted by a friendly person, since I do not have access to Globalmapper.


so your tiff is actualy ok.
the issue is that its 4.5gb.
ive made some changes in beta MP to improve the performance, however its still not instance, because the file is so large.
ive also added support for 32bit integer. as i expected 32bit float. i will push a new beta version in the next hour or so


Hey Michael,

Can we increase the resolution past zoom level 21? I see you upped it many years ago to this number, but I have some custom maps that could work at 24.

Thank you!

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how are you feeding in the images? wms?gdal? etc?

ie atm
wms = 22
gdal = 24

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I’m using google maps ties, couldn’t get geotiffs to work, let me try with some renewed enthusiasm now that I know I can use gdal up to 24 :slight_smile: (thanks!)

also google tiles dont go to 24.

Hi @Michael_Oborne
Immediately below is the error code from debug - finally found that. The TIFF is from drone deploy- definately WGS84 - I though from the error maybe not 32bit.but file confirms it is

ERROR MissionPlanner.Utilities.ParameterMetaDataRepositoryAPMpdef - System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\SITL.apm.pdef.xml’ is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream…ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
at MissionPlanner.Utilities.ParameterMetaDataRepositoryAPMpdef.<>c.b__6_1(String a)
ERROR MissionPlanner.Utilities.ParameterMetaDataRepositoryAPMpdef - System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\AP_Periph.apm.pdef.xml’ is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

Hoping you are able to assist in getting this tiff to load into planning screen



Hi Michael,
I am looking to integrate the map from the attached link it is about 313MB which I figure is to large to be easily be uploaded, though I do believe it is being used for SRTM data ( as tif takes preceedance)

I would like to be doing this on a regular basis - and be interested what is a good sized file so to set my resolution accordingly when building the map ~200acres for regular use.

Kindly Steve

Screenshot 2021-12-08 210020

Hi Micheal. I’ve been trying to carry out this same task. I have tried uploading this same Geotiff file onto mission planner by saving it in the SRTM folder, just like the screenshot you uploaded. But unfortunately, It still does not show up on the plan page. Could you let me know what the problem might be?

I’m using version build

Thanks in Advance

ok so this is what global mapper tells me

its in UTM zone 56S
its also not elevation data/dtm, its a raster geotiff, so the srtm folder should not be used, as this is for elevation data only.

you need to use the custom gdal image source to use this image as Map data

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