Custom Imagery in Mission Planner

Thanks. Still learning about the different types of data. Is there anyway to get elevation data into mission planner?

yes, using geotiff format. just place a geotiff in the srtm directory, and mp will use it.


Thanks for working we me on this. I dropped a rectified ortromosiac tif file from Pix4d into the srtm folder. What map source do I select in MP?


tif containing elevation data? or normal mosaic? the srtm directory is meant for elevation data.


I really appreciate your continued engagement and the video. But I wasn’t able to follow any of it.

I have Global Mapper and Pix4d and I am trying to get custom imagery with survey grade elevation data into Mission Planner. I have the outputs from Pix4d. I just don’t know which ones to use or how to get them into mission planner.

I am willing to pay for a step by step tutorial.



the video should cover the basics.
i have a few questions

can you load the pix4d elevation data into globalmapper?

all the video is really doing is

  1. load elevation data in globalmapper
  2. check projection is wgs84
  3. export elevation data as 16/32bit geotiff
  4. place geotiff in srtm folder.
  5. test that the data is loading from the geotiff.

since i created the video i added a field by the coords and alt about the datasource. (in flightplanner)
this change will be in MP beta only at the moment though.

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Thanks for your continued engagement. I really appreciate your expertise and assistance.

So I converted the Pix4d DSM output to a geotiff using Global Mapper, placed it in the SRTM folder and opened Mission Planner.

Before I converted the DSM I ensured it was in WGS 84 and validated the elevation data.

I see the file loaded (picture attached) into Mission Planner, but I still have no elevation data in flight plan. I reviewed your video several more times and think I am doing everything right. But I must be mission something.



your issue is the projection system. it should be geographic wgs84. the tiff is good, but it definitely is not in wgs84
what system is the 446120.343 and 4244271.201 ?

That did it. Awesome!

Everything works perfectly. The altitude data is perfectly matched with the custom imagery. Fantastic.

Thanks so much for all the help. It’s greatly appreciated.

Now on to the next challenge. We are integrating RTK and would like to change the waypoint radius to something less than 1m, which appears to be the limit. What is required to tighten the waypoint tolerance?

Thanks for everything,


I seem to be having an issue loading custom geotiff DEM’s. I delete everything in the SRTM folder and copy in a DEM. The DEM is in 4326 and I am using MP V1.3.41 build 1.1.6110.31287. Is there anything about this that is incorrect? I’ve watched Michael’s video from above and don’t see that I’ve doing anything different. However I also cannot figure out how to view the debugging console that he pulled up to show that the Tiff had loaded properly. Any thoughts on how I can go about troubleshooting this? This is a really invaluable feature for what we are doing!

Other thoughts:

Elevation shown is 0m in flight plan screen
To the left of shown elevation is Ocean (??)

I have just been asked the same question and have gone over the instructions.
Michaels video and the quote above seem to be the solution.
A client has the data in a 5m pixel res DEM and wants to use it in Mission Planner.
As I understand it you have to convert your DEM to a geotiff for it to work.

Haven’t verified it yet.

I’m pretty sure that what I am copying over into the SRTM folder is the correct format. However I am not positive. Perhaps if Michael has a chance he could take a look at the file I am using and help me narrow down the issue?

I thought the issue might be the high resolution of the DEM I was using. I downres’d the file I am using to 2m pixels, however I am still having the same issue.

have you opened the debug console? help > show console

if you can show me that I might be able to guess whats going on.

I’ve loaded a GeoTiff (correct projection WGS 84 Lon, Lat) into my srtm folder.
It is the only file within the folder.
However, the elevation data in ‘Flight Plan’ window remains same as Google Earth satellite data.
My GeoTiff appears non-influential, even when in 'Custom’
I’ve opened the debug console,
No warning on GeoTiff & no mention of GeoTiff.
How does one check if the GeoTiff is loaded?
(From Michael - Step 5. Test that the data is loading from the geotiff (How, where?).
Currently running MP 1.3.41


In the debug console you should see the file loaded. Look at my post above, which includes a screenshot from the debug console.


the srtm folder has been moved in newer MP versions.
C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm

Excellent news from my side.
Michael: When you said 'Look in C:\ProgramData, I could not find your quoted folder.
For me C:\ProgramData did not exist.
I assumed you meant C:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner\srtm
However after some frustration, I decided to turn on - show Hidden folders,
and look again…and there it was; the full path C:\ProgramData\Mission Planner\srtm.

I inserted my GeoTiff into this srtm folder, and all is good.


Everything is working great. I have custom imagery with elevation data. Loving it. Wondering about the GEOTiff elevation readout in the upper right corner. I exported my DSM from global mapper with extra precision and I am still seeing elevation data rounded to the nearest meter. Is that the actual altitude the drone will use to fly above when terrain is boxed or is it just displayed to the nearest meter for convenience?

1 meter elevation data is phenomenal but I am wondering if I can get more precision. My DSM is breaking it down to mm accuracy. I don’t expect that but I am hoping to get down to less than a foot. Is that possible?

Thanks for all you do,


@skyveyor you would be correct. internally I was treating everything as an int. ive just changed it to use floats. So if you provide a 32-bit float geotiff, it should work from the new beta MP today.

dude you are awesome! Thanks for the fast action and response. Seriously, awesome!