Today i tested the Cheerson CX-OF sensor in the field.
Loiter and Stabalize work flawless
There is a oscillation (whobble) while hovering in flowhold mode.
It disappears when flying low (<3 ft) or at higher speeds and is very noticable hovering at 5 - 20 ft altitude.
When taking a look at the logfiles, i can see an oscillation
Looking at the times where GPS.Speed is around 0
and then look at any Flow or accelerometer oscillations
How to finetune this oscillation. Is there a PID mechanism for flowhold?
Frame is 25" spinning 1155 props on 3S LIoN (hence the low voltages at high current)
Hello. Did you got some other better values for these parameters? I’m facing this problem too. Reducing the ?_FILT_HZ to 2 solved partially, because the displacements are higher, i.o.w., the drone position varies a bit more.