Good that we talked to each other … runs now. Thanks!
I still have a very delayed display of the flight mode now. Sometimes the old flight mode remains around 30 seconds, although in the MP is switched directly.
This is now with ELRS.
With ELRS you need an RC to telemetry ratio of 25 or better, 50Hz 1:2, 100Hz 1:2 or 1:4, you also need ELRS >= 2.0.
ArduPilot must be recent to support ELRS detection and tune the telemetry feed accordingly
I now have 100 Hz and 1:2 so it seems to run smoothly. Before with 1:8 just not.
Now ELRS TX/RX exchanged for Crossfire TX/RX. Runs also. The switching of the flight mode is displayed but already fixed, as with ELRS. But everything is within the scope.
the wiki is mostly updated
Hi Yaapu, I recently got frsky tandem X20S controller …… on multicopter side I am using CUAV X7 plus …. I want to access telemetry data on my laptop via Mission planner …. Means from Tandem I want to make link to my laptop & use MP…. I am ready to pay for development etc …. If you could help me out that would be a great help …. you can contact me at
…. Looking for desperate help
Hi all,
does anyone use Fport on kakute F4 V2? can you tell me which pad to use? thank you
arducopter 4.3 yaapu 1.9.5
I answer myself: Fport wire on pad SP. SERIAL_2PROTOCOL 23.
2 hours of trying. The wiki is not clear, it should be updated for kakute F4
new Ethos version 1.0.0 beta1, should be pretty much ready for a release.
download from github
- new background task scheduler for lower cpu load
- ardupilot telemetry exposed as “lua sources” to be used by other widgets/functions etc
The sources need to be selected in the “edit model” screen, this way they will be polled for updates
Setup instructions here
once selected they can be used in Ethos like any other source
feedback is very welcome!
new Horus Widget version 2.0.0 beta1
download from github
- new filesystem layout (everything but the maps inside /WIDGETS/yaapu)
- new WFQ scheduler for background tasks
Please follow the instructions on the wiki for setup and update
When updating from version 1.9.x:
- move sound files from /SOUNDS/yaapu0/ to /WIDGETS/yaapu/sounds
- copy everything inside /SCRIPTS/YAAPU/CFG to /WIDGETS/yaapu/cfg
- copy maps from /SCRIPTS/YAAPU/IMAGES/MAPS to /IMAGES/yaapu/maps
LUA sources are not telemetry values? For example, I can display VSpeed in a widget, but can I use VSpeed like the other telemetry values. For example logging?
Hi, perhaps it’s not the perfect solution but it’s all it can be done right now.
Logging is probably the weak point, investigating if there’s a way to log them
Bertrand apparently does not want to create sensors via LUA … then this is a solution for now.
By the way, how do you get the graphs for Altitude and Throttle in your example above? I have there only a numerical value and can not set anything (Ethos 1.4.3 on X18S).
Hi, use the “Line Chart” widget
Hi Alex,
does the setup button of ArduPlane work for you?
Updated Horus version to 2.0.0 beta 2
- new maps layout
- new plot layout
- ethos theme support
download from github as usual (from dev branch)
Loaded the 2.0 beta 2. its keep saying no telemetry data and “DISARMED”, even though the plane is Armed. it also says no GPS, but I have 12 GPS/3d lock. I had an older version that was working fine.
Do we have to configure something first in the radio?
I simply copied the files over to old data on the SD card.
When i power cycle the TX the open tx does say telemetry lost and upon power the TX it says telemetry recovered, but on the screen its keep saying No Telemetry data.
Also no sensor data is appearing inside the Horus.
very confused.
just to double check I did a clean install of version 2.0.0 beta2 both on OpenTX 2.3.15 and EdgeTX 2.8RC2 and everything is working fine.
A few checks that you might want to do:
- version 2.0.0 has a new filesystem layout, everything but the maps is under /WIDGETS/yaapu
- older config files are not used anymore (they were in a different position), if you had CRSF enabled you need to reenable it
- older sensor files have the same problem they need to be moved to the new location.
All this is explained inb the wiki Installation on Horus radios · yaapu/FrskyTelemetryScript Wiki · GitHub