An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios


Double checked everything. Here is my sd card screen shots and mission planner settings. Still doesn’t work.

Filesystem seems allright.
If you’re using CRSF/ELRS you need to have the CRSF option enabled in the widget as well
In any case I need more details to help you out.
ArduPilot/PX4 version, frsky/crsf/elrs, OpenTX/EdgeTX, MavToPT ?
If you do not get GPS on the radio the problem is not my widget but your ardupilto configuration or wiring

Hi, I just disabled the CRSF option as I am not using ELRS. The wiring should be fine as it was perfectly fine till I installed 2.0 beta 2.

FC = 2.4.8 Pixhawk
FirmWare: Latest Ardu plane.
Open TX: version 2.3.7

The Yaapu cable is connected to Serial TELEMETRY 2

Here is how the serial 2 is configured.

Not sure what I am doing wrong :frowning:

Why it is not discovering any sensors data?

In mission planner, hud you can see sats are acquired.


serial2_protocol should be 10, in your screenshot is showing 3

dah… finally working. So I was doing two things incorrectly. My widgets were setup incorrectly. Also the FC has to be rebooted after parameter changes.

But now we have a new problem. When you set the radio to discover new sensors, after few seconds I am getting this blue screen with the word “Disabled” at the upper left hand corner. let me upload the screen shot via phone.

I made a video but the web site wont let me post it. In a nutshell everything works fine for few seconds then u get this disabled message.

Even if I disable the sensor and power recycle the radio its doing the same thing. Works for few seconds and then disabled message comes up.

Can you relook at my sd card screen shots. It appears I may be missing some maps under


The 2.0 beta zip file maps do not match the maps shown on the wiki.

Hi, your widget is crashing, go to the widget settings and check the message there

Alex, its 5:30 AM in US so hitting the bed. Please also check my comment above about IMAGES/Yaapu map contents not matching what shown on wiki page as far as what should be inside the maps folder.

I will touch base with you once I get up.

Also, Please comment on this . Thank you.

Few questions for you guys: The Horus X10S has built Bluetooth module. If I enable Bluetooth and set it for telemetry, is it possible to transmit telemetry data via Bluetooth to an android phone running Telemetry data viewer app and broadcast it to I know people are using TBS Crossfire to accomplish the same but I am wondering why it can not be done just using the radio built in bluetooth? Also, can we run Yaapu script at the same time if enable the bluetooth telemetry? @yaapu

It does not match because it depends on what map tiles you download form google, it’s a user choice, so as along as you select the correct map in the widget menu is fine

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which EdgeTX/OpenTX version do you have?

Open TX: version 2.3.7

I know about 6 versions behind and can upgrade the radio to latest stable release tomorrow…

Good night!

Hi Alex just come across issue with the horus X12S on Edgetx 2.8.0 with 2.0.0 beta 2

cant change map zoom level max value: the default is 20 when i change it to say 10 and press enter it
justs back to 20

and i get

ERROR in refresh(): ?.0: attempt to concatenate a lightfunction value

Thanks @yak-54 , zoom min/max is fixed.

How may I reproduce the lightfunction issue?

Hi OpenTX version 2.3.8 added support for the table library which is now required!

stopped doing it after i update the lua script :+1:

Hi Alex,just saw a post on F/B were A guy appeared to have the pids on his radio and said it was Yaapu how do I do this moment have Dev 2,0.0 on my Horus 10s many thank’s

In TX16S with EdgeTX 2.8.0 something similar happens, in this case the value is 17.

No error message appears, only the value 17 is set again.

That’s fixed, download again