An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Hi Rolly, “Cels” is not a sensor but an array of sensors and it’s not supported, same for “Cell” unless you defined it as a single cell value, you can define Celm and Celd as well, either comment them out or use thos slots for other sensors

Thank you very much, as usual that did it! So how can I display the total voltage of the battery pack?

Thanks again.

Actually I use ardupilot voltage monitor to get the sum and only use individual cell for monitoring but I presume that this might work

drop a note if it does :slight_smile:

Here’s what I get:

Capture phoenixs_sensors_maps.lua (5.3 KB)

I can use RxBt but the voltage is lower than the total of the cells.

I appreciate your thoughts.

Thanks in advance.

My workaround was to use Add instead then just have Cels(SR8) in the first field and left the others blank and it works.

Thanks for all the help.

great! thanks for the feedback @rollys!

Regarding new “plot telemetry” screen on color displays (Jumper T16 in my case).
I can setup sonar or rangefinder. Both have the same readings but first is scaled in cm and second in meters. Is there any reason for having both? Personally I like sonar centimeters more, because there is no decimal part for meters so the displayed reading below 1meter for rangefinder is 0.


Hi, I was experimenting with different units, actually cm would work for both, but they really are the same value, it’s just the label that changes

btw, is it working for you? My test setup does work fine but I had reports from a user that cm sonar rendering had issues that I can’t replicate

Hi, sonar cm works just fine. I am using Benewake TFminiPlus via serial.

Is there any news about use yaapu script with Express lrs and ardupilot? It use the same serial protocol 23 as in case f.port receivers. Only difference the serial option in case of f4 fc s.

Hi check here current status Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

Hi. Alex!
Sorry to write here but i cannot post in the crsf thread currently and probably the issue its not only elrs or crsf specific.
So overall the 1.9.5 script working well on my X9D+ with matekf405( with ardu 4.1 and 4.2) and R9M modul
flashed with express lrs, but instead of rssi db or LQ I see only R:100/5 or R:100/3 on the top bar depending on what refresh rate i select for the module 200hz/100Hz.
I think this is the RFMD value but “100” does not changes even if my LQ drops below 90 or RSSI to -100Db or lower.
Is there any setup option to see Rssi or LQ on the top bar instead of RFMD? Or it will be fixed in a next release for x9d.
If my post is offtopic here i will delete it and move to crsf passthrough if i ll be able to post there again.
Many thanks

you’re going down an experimental road here :slight_smile:
ELRS is reporting RSSI to OpenTX as negative values whereas CRSF reports them as positive so my script is going crazy :slight_smile:

Yeah i think so…OK clear… i ll be patient…hope it will be fixed soon :wink:
Thanks for reply here and your great work invest in this script!

I experinced something interesting…if disable crsf in yaapu menu…the RFMD value changes to RLQ data in a format R:99 and start workin as LQ

…the script works continously without issue (of course not power cycle the radio…as in that case i lost all tlm for yaapu)

Hello Alex,

I have been using luagcs with Fport of Frsky R9slim+. it was all good. and recently I started using Siyi Moduler with its FR receiver(yaapu script is running). the radio always shows on loading page(luagcs). can you tell me does siyi not supported or something I set incorrectly? thank you very much :grinning:

You don’t have to ask me :slight_smile:
Siyi is not Frsky, I think they implemented the MAvToPT protocol, so no bidir telemetry working,

thank you for your answers.

I did not know this part of information. I thought siyi is working with mavlink2 upload and download by the moduler bluetooth. so I guess it should work for luagcs…it is very good to know that it is not suported instead of trying to figure out what setting I was missing. thank you again. :grinning:

@yaapu, we ran into some issues using some of the latest components including an Archer RS. I see your comment from last month.

I’m guessing that’s not good for us, but we also tried with a R-XSR running the latest FrSky firmware. In that case, we kept losing and regaining all sensors about ever 3 seconds repeating forever. Any ideas?

FrSky Taranis X9-Lite ISRM 1.1.0/2.1.6FCC OpenTX 2.3.12-frsky
R-XSR 1.1.0/2.1.7 (Cycling working)
Archer-X 1.2.0/2.1.8 (No telemetry working at all, can only get RC)
CubeOrange, standard carrier board, 4.1.0 Beta 7, Telem2 port