An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Hi Giorgio, which ardupilot version and which vehicle? and what are your TERRAIN_* parameters?

Currently I have ardupilot beta 4.1.0 in F765, a plane flying at FBVA, RX TBS nano, TX16S ver. 2.3.14 with TBS micro 4.11 and your script 1.9.5 beta1.

Today on airfield, when GPS was locked, I connected the plane controller over USB to MissionPlanner (PC on internet) and the messages Bad or No Terrain Data disappeared.
Probably it must be something wrong with the data downloaded by Terrain Generator.

mhmm, terrain data format changed recentely, perhaps you were using the old format with a recent build or the other way around?

I downloaded these data last week only… But in the mean time I updated the controller FW from beta 4 to beta 5, maybe also this influenced it.

Hi Alex, Can I ask you a quetsion?

Jump T16 radio, openTX2.3.14. frsky R9slim+ Fport. MatekF765wing. I can see the rpm on the Misson planner. but can’t see it on the radio. the sensor was found on the telemetry of the radio though.

Which ardupilot version and which yaapu widget version?
To show RPM a quite recent version of both is required.
Last question, where does RPM come from, ESCs? If so you need to enable the RPM driver for ESC data, basically you tell ardupilot to feed ESC rpm data to the RPM1 or RPM2 sensors which are the ones that my widget can show.

If you have ESC rpm data do the following:
RPM1_ESC_MASK= (set 1 bit for each channel reporting RPM, the driver will average them) so if you have throttle on channel 3 set RPM1_ESC_MASK=8 (2^3), just node that the mask assumes RC out index starts at 0 so first out is channel 0, hope I made this clear enough :slight_smile:

Great news, will the RPM work on TX16 as well ? I need rotor RPM …
getting refrash(); CPU limit Error on the DEV code with the RPM :frowning:

Hi which radio goes into cpu limld? Yes RPM works fine on TX16, are you on crossfire it frsky?

Hello, Radio Master TX16 with Frsky X-RSR …
Did not cycle power between installations… might be the reason ?
thanks for the prompt answer :slight_smile:

Checked again … works… I had to cycle the transmitter :slight_smile:
Now right side battery data is not visible :frowning:

I’ve done extensive testing, most likely is a setup issue on your side, double check the widget setup in the config menu

Thanks, the RPM works, should the right side with the battery info be visible ?
I will try to erase the model config file… or add the widget to another model and see.

erasing the model .cfg file did the trick :slight_smile:

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Great! Thanks for the feedback!


I have tried 3 airplanes . The ardupilot I was using 4.1beta5 which were not working for the RPM. and I have changed it to the latest. I can see the RPM1 and RPM2 params on the mission planner. but only one plane showing the RPMs. I deleted all the sensors and reboot…

1, The working one have F765wing,R9slim+(fport) twin motors
2, second one have F765wing, Siyi receiver, twin motors
3,third one have F405wing,Siyi receiver, single motor.

as the motor channels are always at the first 1 or 2(depends on single or twin motors)
I set RPM1_TYPE = 5 RPM1_ESC_MASK=1 or 2

Can you tell me what I did wrong or miss? :sweat_smile:

@yaapu, I didn’t realize until earlier today just how active you are here. Thanks for your hard work on the telemetry scripts, among other things!

I use a Horus X12S for most of my ArduPilot projects, often involving RTK corrected GPS. I recently made a change to my copy of main.lua for Horus that I think would be well received by others - I could make a pull request, but it’s just two lines (273 and 274), and the change might be worthy of brief discussion here:

utils.gpsStatuses[5]="RTK Flt"
utils.gpsStatuses[6]="RTK Fxd"

If you don’t like that the “d” in “RTK Fxd” sometimes very slightly overlaps the next block of text right, you can eliminate the space or reduce the abbreviations to “RTK Fl” and “RTK Fx” or similar. The point being, it’s important to me and probably a few others here to distinguish between RTK fix states.

Hi, thanks for the kind words.
Perhaps let’s just remove the empty space and use RTKFlt and RTKFxd, not sure how to render that on X9D and QX7 though

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It looks like you’re limited to 3 characters there, in which case, I think the letters “Flt” and “Fxd” might be more informative than “RTK.” However, that might also be less intuitive to a new user, so perhaps sticking with “RTK” is a better general solution for the radios with less character space available.

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you do not have a recent enough ardupilot version, which version are you using?

The arduplit version are the latest which I just downloaded. I think I have got all of them are the latest. yaapu, ardupilot, misson planner.

I just found on the version 4.2. i can set rpm_mask. But it still did not show the rpm on the radio. while The one with Frsky Fport, which was working on version 4.1. I can’t figure out what did i miss

@yaapu Sorry to bother you but I need your expert eyes again. I’m sure it’s a simple oversight on my part but I can’t seem to find it.

I get the map to flash for about a second then as soon as the NO MAP DATA comes up then it goes “Disabled”. I’ve attached the CFG file.

  • Turned on Rx and left it on to make sure GPS and all other sensors have warmed up and stabilized
  • Turned off Rx then turned on Tx
  • Tx showed the map screen
  • Turned on Rx and map showed sensor values but when the map section populated with blank tiles, that’s when it switched to Disabled.

Equipment as follows:
Horus X10S with ISRM v2.1.6
OTX v2.3.14
Archer ACCESS SR8 Pro Rx
FrSky GPS v2
FrSky SPort Mini LiPo Voltage Sensor

What did I miss? Your thoughts are highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

phoenixs_sensors_maps.lua (5.3 KB)