The problem is gone after changing the slider to 3-pos switch. Thus if we have it (switch) in the middle position nothing happens. When move switch to high/low position camera will zoom in/out correspondingly.
So it seems like the speed of zooming is not controlled by the slider…
Dear Frank, thank you for the very fast reaction to our problems! We are going to use your gimbals exstensively and almost all the functions are good. But we will be very happy if you add the new mode for zooming, so called absolute mode. In this mode we could use the slider the following way:
if the slider is in minimal position (1000 us) we have minimal zoom - 1x
if the slider is in its maximum (2000 us) camera has maximum zoom - 30x
other slider positions correspond to zoom level proportionally.
Hope it’s clear description?
What do you think?
Yes, please! This is similar to what I’m asking for in the serial interface. Once you implement absolute zoom (and focus), it would be useful to control it form either PWM or serial.
Has anyone been able to setup the ZR10 video stream with the new Herelink (AirUnit V1.1)?
I am having some troubles I guess with the network/camera setup.
I will try to explain in the best way I can.
The video stream is supposed to come out of the Herelink, both on QGS and any other device that are connected to it its hotspot at rtsp:// Whatever device you would connect to the Herelink hotspot will get a IP.
The internal IP of the network, as far as I have read online is like this: for the AirUnit and for the Ground Unit. One can connect to the “internal” network by using a USB OTG and a ESB to Ethernet adapter on either the Air or the Ground unit, and recently with the Air V1.1, directly to the Eth port exposed on the Air unit. In that case, one could access the video stream at rtsp://
Accessing the 192.168.144 IPs will not be possible when you are connected though the hotspot since your IP is 192.168.43.xx.
What I would like is as seamless integration of the video stream with the ZR10 camera as we would have if a camera would be connected to the HDMI. In other words, to be able to view the video stream on QGC on the Ground Unit and on a third device that is connected to the Ground Unit via the ground units hotspot or if both are connected to the same access point.
What setting should I do to have the system la that? Maybe the Herelink will automatically forward the video stream if it comes to a specific 192.168.144.xx IP?
I wonder if the AirUnit is listening for a RTSP stream from somewhere so that it could forward it?
By setting the camera IP to I cannot see the stream on QGC, although I have set the same IP for the video stream in QGC.
I still cannot use the camera and this is what I arrived to:
I have set the ip of the camera to and the gateway to unit ip).
I installed a apk that lets me ping and I was able to ping from the ground unit.
From another post I understood that the camera has a user interface, like usual ip cameras. I install a browser on the ground unit and tried to go to this ip, to just verify that I am greeted by the credentials page of the camera, but interestingly there is nothing there.
In the manual of the camera it is stated that I should find the RTSP stream at rtsp:// QGC does not show a video, and the console does not clearly state why so I install VLC and tried to access the stream and the logs state that there is no stream.
I guess at this point that the issue, at least for now, has something to do with the camera and its stream.
Would you mind showing us a video with all above information, please? I’m sure there is something wrong using the camera with Herelink. A video can help us find out the problem quickly, thanks
Thank you for the help! Initially I uploaded 2 videos with the issue but part of is has since been solved so I edited this message.
But I encountered 2 other issues.
There is about a 1.5 second delay of the feed if I connect to the camera through a router.
The video is very laggy and delayed if I view it on VLC or QGC.
Hi Frank,
I checked what he posted and that was related to a connection issue, which I solved. My current issues are related to video lag - so I got it connected but I encountered a 1.5sec lag and around 1fps.
Please check the videos from the previous post.
I did a loot of latency testing and found RTSP on VLC a problem although I did got it working at one point
I’m using Happytime RTSP client. You can try such a program on your laptop