X11 plus weird sound from motor

The press the “Del” buttons and remove the parameters that does not apply to you.


Even if integrated, it still needs to be configured, if you do not configure them you will probably get some problems later, problems like the ones you are having NOW.

Those X Y Z GNSS positions are clearly documented in the wiki.

Yes you can not do it until you have completed the missing steps above.

Again the same as above

@amilcarlucas Okay, looks like i done everything, if i miss something tell me. Methodic1.zip | Files.fm.

You edited and updated ALL your vehicle information in the “Component Editor” window?

You read the documentation and edited and updated ALL “New Values” and “Change Reason” for all the files up-to 17 ?

@amilcarlucas Good morning, looks like I done pretty much everything. Here is the file for you. Methodic2.zip | Files.fm.

Update to this exact ArduPilot Methodic Configurator version:

You did not update the “Notes” on the Component Editor window. I also do not think you have 3’’ props

You did not update the “Change Reason” in file 02

File 04 is fine

05 NTF_LED_TYPES should be 231
On 05 the BRD_ALT_CONFIG “New value” must be set to 0
On 05 the RC_OPTIONS “New value” must be set to 32
The other values are borked as well

08 you missed this one completely

10 was a mess, this one I fixed for you using the “Add” button.

12 was OK
13 OK
14 OK, but without thrust stand you can not be sure.
15 You seam to have ignored this one completely, that is only 20% mandatory, so it’s OK
16 OK
17 Completely missed the point!, What have you done here???

Here is the partially fixed file

x11.zip (499.0 KB)

You need to start uploading from file 05

Methodic4.zip (509.1 KB)
Here is my file, I trying to fix everything as much i as I can understand. About 15 and 17. I can’t lift from the ground, so i cant even take information for that, reason i can’t lift is vibration and oscilation.

Have you learned to use the “Add” button?

Yes i saw that button, and I see how it works

You did not correct the notes on the component editor.

You ignored the 02 and 05 changes that I made. :frowning:

And your “change reason” on the 08 file are not a change reason. Why are not explaining why you changed the value, you are just repeating the value:

  • “New value” must be set to 0.
  • “New value” must be set to 4
  • “New value” must be set to 12.02

That adds no information.
Instead explain why, explain the reason why the parameter needs to have that particular value.

Vibration and oscillations are addressed in Section1 of the Blog post.

You also did not update the software like I told you to.

x11.zip (495.3 KB)

I corrected all the files again.
Can I have your permission to include these files as a template on the Configurator?
It will be released under GPLv3.

I just noticed that the temperature compensation values are all wrong.
You need to upload the new 02 file that I posted above and re-do that calibration.

This time please do read the Blog post, it contains very simple step by step instructions for the temperature compensation.

Yes, Sure you can, Okay I will redo the calibration.

Please use the files I provided.

x11.zip (463.2 KB)
Okay, I made everything you suggested, and looks really better than it was. what would be next step ?

The temperature calibration results are correct now.

I fixed a lot of stuff and created a “X11_plus” template on the tool. Please download install and use the latest 0.6.0 version

On the component editor:

Telemetry > FC Connection > Protocol - I think you want Mavlink 2
Battery > Specifications either the Chemistry is wrong or the voltage per cell are not correctly set.

I fixed a lot of stuff in the component editor please review it and re-do the configurations starting on file 05

I think the battery monitor BATT_AMP_PERVLT and BATT_VOLT_MULT are wrong.

I advise against EK3_SRC1_POSZ,3 and FS_EKF_ACTION

After re-doing all the steps 05 to 19 (and skipping 11) you can start on the 20 file.

and add a “vehicle.jpg” file with a photo of the vehicle.

After that send me the updated x11.zip file again

I have been updated your program, and now just turn on till components. i press save and start and ir turning off. I will fix telemetry, And about batt_amp_pervlt I don’t have device to measure it correctly. Okay, i will fix ek3 too. So now after all those I should takeoff from the ground?

Thanks for the report, it was a python 3.10 issue. I have fixed it now. Download the new version

Here is information on how to calibrate.



Do not takeoff without correcting the points explained above and re-doing all the steps 05 to 19 (and skipping 11)

@amilcarlucas Hello again, Look like I pretty much done as much as I understand and could. I’m wondering later about quick tune, i saw there is for VTOL. can i use it? And I saw pid adjustment.py. I never used scripts before, how I could do so and which one would be okay, for my copter? Here is file.

The Quicktune is for both VTOL aeroplanes and multicopters.

Yes, you can use it, it works great.

You do not need to use it because you did change the parameters by hand. I assume you tested the parameter changes you did in the 15_pid_adjustment.param file that I created with the values you had in the 0000087.bin file.

Again the trick is to read the 20_quick_tune_setup.param documentation links in the top of the ArduPilot Methodic Configurator and watch the video.

Thanks for the updated file.


  1. delete your x11 vehicle directory
  2. Download a new SW version from: Release Development Build · ArduPilot/MethodicConfigurator · GitHub
  3. Install it
  4. start the software and use the “X11_Plus” template to create a new “X11” vehicle directory
  5. redo the steps bellow

I corrected some information in the following files:

  • vehicle_componetns.json
  • 07_esc.param
  • 08_batt1.param
  • 12_general_configuration.param
  • 13_logging.param
  • 14_motor.param
  • 20_quick_tune_setup.param