X11 plus weird sound from motors, not good sound, i have other there is no such a sound. Maybe there is some setting, or filter to turn that sound off? When i make yaw, there is axis vibration, when stops. Maybe someone could help with notch filter? How I should configure that notch filter. I put file to you and i think you gonna see everything.
Hello, @xfacta @dkemxr @amilcarlucas and everyone else. So no one was typing me back, so i make it by my self, i couldnt take off without notch filter, but after that little stepps, i manage to get i have now, i was working on this whole week, trying to make as much good as I can, it’s tough for me with notch filter, I putting values of ardupilot journal, where all information there, and i getting vibrations from axes, when i put these values, everything looking fine for me, so maybe someone have some advices, by whole thing, tuning and etc.
Here is the file > 00000136.BIN | Files.fm.
I didnt see this earlier, the new log looks very good for attitude control.
The harmonic notch filter is not working as planned, but the settings were nearly correct.
Adjust to these and it will be fine. You may have to retest with a payload.
The current monitor is not working. If it is not going to work then just log voltage:
There are some very important voltage-related values you are missing. Please reply with exactly what battery you have - I think it is an ordinary 6S Li Ion.
And this is very much a standard safety requirement for anything bigger than a small quad:
Big copters can have a tendency to tip over when taking off if the GPS position still wandering.
You may have times where the GNSS will struggle, bit of an issue in that part of the world unfortunately.
Try this to settle down the GNSS update rate:
Dont skip the voltage settings and failsafe actions, just let me know if you have a different battery type.
Hello @xfacta today i been in flight, about bateries. It’s tattoo 30000mah 6s. Lipo, and i forgot to change parameters, but I always monitoring it and know when they are low and I changing it. Well now, about flight, with 30kg payload i couldn’t normaly fly with it, it’s like drunk, no stability, nothing, i will give you all takeoff files, and you will see, So i decided to make more aggressive with payload. After few parameters i decide to takeoff without any weight in it. and the result was terible, it almost crash. So noow in this situation, i dont really know what i could do, I wonder, if there is some parameter to make him with payload low PID’s and after I put payload, it would make PID’s more aggressive? Because ratio of this kinda high. With high pids, can’t takeoff without payload, with low PID’s Can’t get clear flight. So there is the files. >>>X11plius.rar | Files.fm.
The rule is to tune the PIDs with the least amount of expected realistic payload. Adding more payload will not make it unstable. But removing payload might make it unstable.
@amilcarlucas I understand that, my situation is like this: I tune without any additional weight, just bateries, and frame. and he is looking kinda well, I put extra weight, the copter starts to be very instable, like drunk, after roll he waving for 1 second. I wondering, what I could do better? payload gravitational centre can make that thing?
Sorry I do not understand your point. Are you asking if it will become unstable or are you affirming that you tested it and it is unstable?
I have made a drone using similar motor.
Best way is to tune without any payload on the drone. Once that process is completed you should refer to input shaping prams in the tunning guide and there after share a log here.
If the tune is good only then slowly increase payload and check the drone.
Also the payload try to place it at the CG and should be stiff.
Of course if you follow How to methodically tune (almost) any multicopter using ArduCopter 4.4.x - #245 by amilcarlucas
Life becomes much easier
@xfacta @amilcarlucas @dkemxr And anyone else who can help, today i made some flights. I have a huge problem, what PID’s can’t help for me, In pitch everything perfect, in roll, when i do maneuver, kinda sharp maneuver i started to see problem, motors don’t making same as pitch, there is delay, who causing slow and instable return to level, when i flying that thing starting to make flight instable to horizontal side, i been working on this all day long, but I didn’t make any improve, sorry for batteries settings and etc. When i turned LOITER, almost crash, but I’m fine. I always not alone, so we carefully monitoring that, and for fence, if I would see that thing goinhg out his way, i will turn it off and there is an RTL. So my thing is, in roll it’s unstable, in longer flight forward, instable in roll axis, what it could be? I add file, I would analyze it by my self, but i need to work on analysis a little more, because I dont understand when it’s okay when is something wrong. Thanks for your time, I wish you a great day!
Sorry @papa_seleckis I put too much time in the ardupilot methodic configurator software.
I will start limiting my answers to vehicles that use it, and not invest time on vehicles that do not.
Other forum user will help you out for sure.
@amilcarlucas I would like to start using you mothod, will you help me to do it?
Yes, I will, just install the software and start it.
@amilcarlucas Hello, so I writed your program and made configs, like you write down in the forum, with your program. I can’t take off from ground, oscilating and vibrating. I will add files for you, what you suggest to do next?
I suggest you post a .zip
file with all the *.param, *.png, *.jpg and *.json files created with the tool.
@amilcarlucas Here it is. Thanks for your time! ardupilot_methodic_configurator.rar | Files.fm.
That .rar type is not supported by my computer and/or it is corrupted.
Please post a .zip file.
Here you go. Should be okay. Methodic.zip | Files.fm.
You ignored the instructions and did not update all the component properties in the Vehicle component editor window.
You need to scroll down and edit all of them!
You did not edit files 05, 06, 07, 10, 18, 19, 21 Are you sure that your setup is exactly the same as ours?
The point with this method is that you need to at least do these files. After 21 you can jump directly to 45 and after that jump directly to 48.
@amilcarlucas Okay, i will put the information and everything, it wasn’t looking so important. 05. I cant put those to be honest, because i have only 2 additional channels. I always using to arm that ruller and I dont want to change anything about that. 06. I will put telemetry. 07. about esc, how I can to make all those settings? Because my esc is integrated by hobbywing. So they never ask to be calibrated. Maybe you know how to do that? 10. GNSS my is 5 but i stuck at that gnss reciever position, i wondering where are those XYZ by place. How to calculate? I using Here3 CAN. 18. I couldn’t takeoff from the ground to do that notch filter and more further steps, I stuck on the ground. So I can’t do even 19 and 21. because i can’t takeoff.