X11 plus weird sound from motor

Yes, you should do the Quicktune, and we all hope that that reduces the throttle oscillations causing the motor noise.

After that we need to improve the notch filter config.

Please post a photo of your battery monitor. Does it really monitor voltage AND current?

Hello, this is the photo of my power brick.

Looks like a PM02.
Is that a PM02?

And looks like you do not let the main current flow through it.
Is that correct?

PB01A21 this is the code, I using those, but in copter both sides turned on. That one comes with CubeOrange. I using what from that box. nothing bought manual.

That module can only be used for 40A continuous.

I guess your vehicle needs more than that.

If that component fails due to over-current on the current sense resistor it will cause the resistor to burn and your vehicle will crash.

Or 30A maybe if it’s a Power Brick Mini which it looks like.

You know somehting is wrong when Current tracks voltage. Replace the Power module:

Okay, we use one battery to cube, so cube getting 6S, motors turned on to 12S, If it’s wrong, what power brick could you guys recommend? What can go wrong with this one and what better brick could change?

I don’t understand this battery strategy. Explain again. Use a power module capable of 12S and the max power required for the craft and power the Cube from it.

Thing is, cube Orange don’t hold so much S like my motors, my motors holding from 12s and cube holding maximum 8S, so that’s why I give power for cube from one battery, 6S.

Are the motors running with 6S + 6S (12S total) ?

Is the Cube Orange powered by a power module connected to one of the 6S batteries?

Is the Motor current flowing trough the Cube Orange power module?

  1. Yes motors working with 12S
  2. Yes cube orange powered by one battery.
  3. I didn’t understand that well, could explain ?

Please post a schematic picture containing:

  1. Battery 1
  2. Battery 2
  3. Power module
  4. ESCs

you don’t listen to us, our esc is with motor, i will give you link about those. XRotor X11 Plus

I listen to you my friend.

Just do a schematic of:

  1. Battery 1
  2. Battery 2
  3. Power module
  4. ESCs+Motor.

I need to know if the motor current flows trough the Power monitor.

If it does it is very dangerous.

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Looks like you did not read the information I posted in post 57 yet.

And I also fixed some incorrect information on the X11_plus template and created a new windows installer with it.

I give to power moduleI give to power brick just from one battery so I don’t reach even 40. I reach only 22.2. From one battery, I sending you scheme, sorry for quality, it was first time when i doing this. Screenshot (3).png | Files.fm.

Voltage and current are two very very different things.

I think you mean 40Ampere (current) and 22.2 Volt (Voltage).
You can not compare voltage to current. Those are different, and the numbers will be different as well.

According to your schematic the motor current will not go through the power module. You only connected the XT60 input plug of the power module, not the output XT60 plug of the power module.

That is good, the motor current will not damage the power module (40A limit).
But that also means that you can not measure the motor current with it :frowning:

This doesn’t make sense. The cube is powered from 5.3V, it doesn’t matter what the battery voltage is as long as the power module you are using can handle the battery voltage, 12S in your case, and the total current for all.

This one is 14S capable and 200 amps max for example. Power module