VTOL Plane Project - Follow our journey!

Yes, and the problem with logging seemed to be a full SD card.

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I’ve started looking into .lua scripting. I’m trying to make a servo move but I cant seem to figure out how. Either the pixhawk doesn’t run my script or there is some syntax error… I am currently only running example scripts for testing :confused:

“Unable to allocate scripting memory” is the error I get

EDIT: Switched to a CubeOrange from 2.4.8 and it seems to work run the script - albeit with errors

We’re trying a belly lander bicopter with both motors on the same axis, i.e., not able to move individually. Is there any way to do this? I am not aware of any settings for this and I’m currently playing with scripts to make the motors move :sweat_smile: Here are some photos

Got it to work! Heap size was too big! Getting familiar with .lua syntax helped too :wink:

Hey, we went for a waypoint mission yesterday but crashed the plane. It went up to the desired height and then just fell down to the ground. We couldn’t read the bin logs (don’t know - corrupted) but the tlogs are available. It seems the plane thought it was doing 66m/s when hovering on the spot. We think this is cause we had previously enabled an analog aspd sensor but forgot to disable it in the parameters.

If someone can try to look at the bin logs that would be awesome, we can’t seem to do it!

(Edit: uploaded bin)

I had a look and it doesn’t look like there is any data to recover.
Can you link to the tlog?

Here it is. We fly at the very end of the log. :slight_smile:

We have started getting some errors when trying to read logs - across all our pixhawks. The error says it cannot read the logs.


We removed all our logs, changed firmware from 4.1.0DEV to 4.0.5 and noticed a change of parameters. FFT_ENABLE was gone and the logs seem to log perfectly now. The old ones were written in 0000xxx.bin format which appears to be the case for all corrupted files. Now its back to logging as DATE_TIME.bin.

Tags for people who have a similar error -
Log browse will not function correctly without FMT messages in your log

no. ArduPilot always logs as 000xxx.bin files, and always has done. The DATE_TIME.bin is from the ground station scanning the file looking for GPS messages and using those to work out the date then renaming the file on the GCS.
Where exactly did you get that corrupted log from? Did you get it from MissionPlanner download, or did you get it directly from the microSD card? If you got it from MissionPlanner then there is a chance the corruption came from the download process.

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Ah, I didn’t know that.

We downloaded it using both mission planner and QGC, both had no FMT messages and/or couldn’t download the logs. We could get the logs from the sd card directly but had similar errors. We changed the fw and got it to log but sadly it resulted in a 15kb log every 2 seconds. All of these issues appeared around the same time on all of our boards which is a bit scary.

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We went to Idre, a calm mountain town in Sweden, to do some testing. Here’s the result of that trip!


Very cool indeed! Congratulations! Would you provide access to your latest vehicle parameters file just for comparison purposes?

Best regards

Very nice!
(och jatte kul!)

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Absolutely, unfortunately the parameters are not perfect but you can look at them for sure!

X8_backup_20_06_28.param (21.6 KB)

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We encountered this problem again after testing. We are not sure why but will reformat the card and flash the latest fw.


Error:System.TimeoutException: Timeout on read - GetLogEntry
at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.d__252.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at MissionPlanner.Utilities.Extensions.<>c__DisplayClass1_01.<<AwaitSync>b__0>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at MissionPlanner.Utilities.Extensions.AwaitSync[T](Task1 infunc)
at MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.GetLogList()
at MissionPlanner.Log.LogDownloadMavLink.b__12_0()

Thank you very much! It will be interesting to see how design variations can affect parameters. Best regards!

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