VTOL -- freeman2100 vertical take-off and landing fixed wing +pixhawk

Hi Greg
Am I right in thinking that file number 5 is for the cube orange in MFE custom firmware? Wonder if anyone has tried it? Thanks Jim

Hi Jim,

Yes, that’s correct. The same V5 file is used for Pixhawk v.2.4.8 and Pixhawk Pro. I’m not sure what the V5 grey cube is at the top since I have never purchased a cube.


I had gotten there version of pixhawk in my kit. It comes in 3 tiers with the top tier being the power supply.
I was setting things up recently after not looking at it for awhile. I suddenly had no power past the input post on their yet could power with the usb. Did not get much response from mfe. So decided to order a cube orange. While waiting did some testing and discovered that the diode or what ever is attached to the power post did not have enough solder on it to make contact. added some solder and seems to be working. am going to try it today. May change it out any ways.

Hi Greg, having some transitioning issues, any ideas?

Also are you on the cube pilot Facebook group? You could be of great value on there. Cheers

Hi Paul,

It’s hard to say what was happening on the short video. Are you using standard firmware or the MFE custom firmware with their PIDs?

I have never owned a cube and don’t have a Facebook account.


Hi guys,

Can you give me a hint on what is happening in the video below? Why I get this oscillations? I didn’t had the tail mounted, but still …

Also it drifts forward and doesn’t hover on fixed point. With the tail attached I think it has less oscillations.

Log file: here

Try reducing roll and pitch rate derivative gains.

Hi Michael,

I agree with Ozan that you need to lower your quad pitch gains a little. Next time, post your .bin file, not the .log file so we can see your .param setup. The .bin file is also smaller but contains more information.

Compare your QPID settings to these from MFE:

Freeman 2100 VTOL
Q_A_RAT_PIT_P = 0.33
Q_A_RAT_RLL_P = 0.30
Q_A_RAT_YAW_P = 0.30

Freeman 2300 VTOL
Q_A_RAT_PIT_P = 0.22
Q_A_RAT_RLL_P = 0.30
Q_A_RAT_YAW_P = 1.60

As for drifting forward, you were using QSTABILIZE and QHOVER modes, not QLOITER which uses the GPS for location.


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Hi guys and thank you for your fast reply.

So, I thought that all modes make use of GPS and try to hold it in place. Stupid me to assume this without reading. Thanks again.
On the param I found this:

I will modify like Greg posted for 2300 version and give it a try again tomorrow morning.

Hi, MikeM

Did the t-motor combination works with freeman2300? Considering to buy those motors.

Hey @GregCovey
Just stumbled upon this thread. It looks interesting, been wanting to build a VTOL for a while.
Can you possibly tell me what bird I would need to buy to build the VTOL, I know I need to buy motors and FC…but not sure of the frame to buy and where.
I see an email address in the thread but again not sure which bird. Perhaps I am just missing something.


Hi Rick, @rickyg32

I don’t quite understand the term “bird” in your message unless you mean “plane”. This thread is specific for the MakeFlyEasy (MFE) Freeman VTOL. The Freeman is a VTOL version of the MFE Believer. It hase a 2100mm wing or a 2300mm wing. You can buy them at the MakeFlyEasy Store on AliExpress or you can email Cheng Fang at 1641637133@qq.com for pricing and shipping cost. At this time, the shipping cost via AliExpress seems unreasonable.

Some models, like the MFE Fighter 4+1 VTOL and Believer are sold through Banggood.


Hey GReg thanks…
Yes the bird is the plane…sorry Canadian thing.
So there is a Freeman VTOL via the MakeflyEasy Store and then there is an MFE Fighter 4+! VTOL and Believer on Banggood.
I don’t understand what the difference are but I can go have a look. Thanks.

I see what you mean about shipping thats nuts.

Yeah, the shipping oddity is recent. The best deals (at least for folks in the U.S.) was when the Fighter VTOL was sold by Banggood from the U.S. warehouse. They also had frequent sales on the non-VTOL Believer model with shipping around $5.

An email to Cheng Fang might be worth a try…

So I did another test just right now.
There are less vibrations/oscillations, but still there.
I didn’t successfully made it with qloiter, maybe is something wrong in my rc. I uploaded the bin.
One thing that was changed from last flight is that I installed and configured a lidar rangefinder, but was in the fuselage interior, so seeing nothing actually. Can this be a problem with qloiter?


Thanks for posting the .bin file this time. It looks like you are using standard APM Plane firmware and not the custom MFE firmware so your settings will not match the ones I posted above. It was a bad assumption on my part.

I would recommend setting RNGFND1_TYPE to 0 for now. It seems like you were in QLOITER mode at times from the graph below.

You might consider trying the custom firmware that was posted above. Also, tell us a bit more about the power system components you selected.

Can’t seem to find the fighter VTOL on Bangood. Will go look again and email that gentlemen…Thanks Greg

Banggood’s search engine has many inadequacies.

Fighter 4+1 VTOL at Banggood

You can look into the FinWing VTBird as a starter and smaller one. You can choose a 4+1 or Tilt Rotor QuadPlane. They have a UPS-Sea option that was $60 to the USA but don’t know what it might be to Canada. It’s a volume flat rate price (at least when I got mine in July) so you could actually get two for the same shipping price. For simplicity, I prefer the 4+1 configuration; one less link of failure and does give some redundancy.

Good luck.