Unable to determine motor count

Okay, I will try that then. I tried full throttle and full steering this morning; that works correctly. My vehicle should be slow enough to do that. Then I will follow the other steps from the video and the wiki (which I did read, but I couldn’t keep all of it in mind, @dkemxr).

Is there a way to disable ATC_SPD_I so that it doesn’t move on its own? I was lucky that when it moved on its own it did tight circles very slowly, otherwise, it might have crashed again.

And when the tuning in ACRO mode is done, I have to tune the lateral acceleration in STEERING mode. After doing all of that, the vehicle should be good to go for an autopiloted mission, right?

Yes, but you need to use your 1st Auto Missions to tune the Navigation controller. Compared to the rather straight forward tuning parameters you have worked on to date it can be the most challenging. But the most rewarding when your vehicle is driving the Mission as you have configured it.

Okay, that is good to know! I have to turn in my thesis by next Monday (26th Oct.), so I dodn’t know if I’ll get to an AUTO mission until then. Hopefully. It would be nice to have at least an attempt of one in my thesis.

By default, my ACRO_TURN_RATE is 180 deg/s. When driving with full speed, full throttle, the radius of the vehicle increases a lot, so I can’t determine the ATR with tests.

The graph showing the gyro-z-axis tells me that min, max, and mean are at -1522 when throttle and steering are at the maximum. I can’t set ATR, whether I’m in manual or acro mode.

Additionally, the wheels are stuck at the position they had when they were in acro mode.

I tried a small test indoors, where I had the wheels not touch the ground.
When connecting to MP again, the wheels faced forwards again, which is good.
On the PC, instead of my laptop, I could save the parameters.
However, as soon as I set ACRO as the mode, the wheels just began rotating fast and got even faster. I really have no idea why is that way.

If you want to, I could send another .bin or .param file.

Indoor testing without a solid GPS fix or wheel encoders will not work for any mode except manual. If you still have the default value for ATC_SPD_I it will cause the wheels to spin. Set it to 0 and see if the wheels still start to spin.

I know that indoor testing doesn’t work right, but the laptop I have MP running on refuses to take and save any new values. I will try setting ATC_SPEED_I to 0 tomorrow and see what happens.

Didn’t have much time for tests today (master lectures started) but setting ATC_SPEED_IMAX to 0 stopped the car from moving on its own in ACRO mode.

Okay, I tried tuning in ACRO mode again. The wheels just did their own thing; steering couldn’t be controlled. Forwards movements were possible, backwards not so much.

Did you try to change any parameters regarding the steering? Acro mode steering uses a PID controller with feed forward to achieve a certain turn rate. I always set ATC_STR_RAT_ P, I and D to 0 and start only with FF and increase it, till PID achieved almost reaches desired. Then I increase P, until achieved and desired track closely. Usually I leave D and I at 0.

No, I didn’t, my GCS is not saving parameters necessarily, and I wanted to see what happens. But I will try again tomorrow and follow the procedure you have described. Thank you for the tip!

By the way, I have read that MissionPlanner can be used on MacOSX by using Mono. I have Mono installed and MP downloaded, but I don’t know what I have to do now to get MP running. Do any of you by chance have experience with that? :see_no_evil:

I would guess it works the same way as on Linux:
Open a terminal window in the Missionplanner directory and type: mono Missionplanner.exe
This is just a guess. I use Missionplanner on Manjaro Linux this way.
I can test it on my wifes old iMac tomorrow or perhaps Google knows more.
Ah, I forgot, you need to download the Missionplanner zip archive (not the msi installer) and unpack it.

If you could test it that would be very nice of you; that would help me a lot.

When I unpack the .msi file, I have to use an external extractor (Extractor) because the default program on macOS doesn’t unzip and extract the data. However, in the extracted folder, there does not seem to be a file ending on .exe. There is a file named product.cab, and .cab is a compressed file format apparently, but neither of my extracting programs will open it.

So currently, my problem is that I don’t have a .exe file. What I could try tomorrow, is to search the Windows PC for the MissionPlanner.exe file, copy it on a USB stick and then try to open it on my MacBook … hopefully that will work. :see_no_evil:

There is a Missiinplanner zip archive available for download here:


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Okay, thank you! I downloaded the .zip file; there was a file named Installer.exe.

So I headed to the terminal (mac console), and entered cd Desktop, cd MissionPlanner-latest, mono Installer.exe … it started doing something, but it aborted the process with the following line:
Bildschirmfoto 2020-10-22 um 08.15.25

Do you have any idea what I could do?

This is another message I’m getting:

I wrote Missionplanner.exe not Installer.exe, but the error is the same. “sudo” does not help, I am now trying another version of mono.
Aaaand it did not work, either. I guess your best bet would be to use Virtualbox etc. and run Windows in a virtual machine.

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I have installed the OSX host Virtualbox, but I’m unsure what to do now … :see_no_evil: I can’t upload any file to the Virtualbox. :disappointed_relieved:

You need to download a Windows 10 install image (iso), create a new virtual machine, add the iso image as a virtual optical drive, start the virtual machine and install Windows. You also need to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions by clicking on Devices/Geräte and select “Insert Guest Additions CD image”. It appears as a CD in Windows. After that you can install Missionplanner and might even be able to place a shortcut to Missionplanner on your Mac OS desktop to start it.

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Okay, thank you.

I have downloaded the Windows.iso file, and created a new virtual machine called “Windows Virtuell” (not on the harddrive, virtual only). I have uploaded the .iso file as an optical drive, but starting the VM gives me a fatal error. In the Oracle Virtual Machine, I cannot find anything that would allow me to select “inset guest additions cd image” … I can’t get it to work right now. :pensive:

I think I have to uninstall the .iso file and all that stuff again, my laptop is at its limit. :pensive:

Windows Laptop is working properly again, driver software was reinstalled, and I can connect the vehicle via telemetry again. Tomorrow, I will try ACRO mode tuning. STEERING mode as well, if it is necessary (the docs entry still makes me go :thinking: tbh). Ideally, I do one auto-mission. Doesn’t have to be perfect. Just to get a feeling. Wish me luck. I have to turn my thesis in by the 26th at 23:59 / 11:59 PM.