Tuning the Harmonic Notch


You need to look for repeating peaks at multiples of a frequency, Although the biggest peak is at 140, you have another at 70 and a very small one at 210. Thus your fundamental frequency is 70.
You should set:
INS_HNTCH_BW = 35 (half of fundamental)
because you have INS_HNTCH_HMNCS set to 3 that will create a notch on the fundamental (70) and the second harmonic (140). If you set it to 7 (so 111 binary) then it will cover the third harmonic at 210 as well, but its probably not necessary.
FREQ and BW determine the shape of the notch. This shape will be kept constant for all the harmonics, so at 140 the system will make the bandwidth 70 etc

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Man I am glad yo know what your talking about cause most of that went over my head.
So I think your telling me that I have three bumps in frequency. per the graph I attached.

Your saying to set the Frequency to 70 which is the first peak with a bandwidth of 35…the axe wedge as you told me. The fundamental I think is the 70hz…or first peak. So half is 35.
I didn’t realize unit you pointed it out that these are harmonics. 70 140 210…interesting.

What I don’t understand is if I have the harmonics are to 3…cause I am brilliant…um no I have no idea how that came about…Anyway…if its set to 3…it hits 70 and 140 hz…isn’t it 3 harmonics…why does it only touch two 70 and 140 and not 210 which would be 70 hz out from 140. Just curious.
Other then that one question I will give it a whirl…thanks guys. As always I really appreciate your help.

I assume I have to set the logging differently to capture the post filter noise.

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As far as I can interpret, the harmonics are set in binary,

So, 1 = 001, 2 = 010, 3 = 011, 4 = 100, 5 = 101, 6 = 110 and 7 = 111

Imagine that each unit in binary represents each harmonic, if you were to put 5 in it would hit 70 and 210 but not 140.
At least this is how I interpret it.

Yes correct. Each bit field represents a harmonic. This is because on some aircraft you want to target strange combinations of harmonics.

Ok wait…now thats confusing.
@SimonOakes if you put 5 for the harmonics…why does it do 70 and 210 but not 140.
I think my assumption is in correct. I am thinking that if 70 is the fundamental frequency, and the harmonic is set to 3 it would hit 70 140 and 210.
70 the first harmonic
140 the second
210 the third…
But your suggesting something odd. Setting to 5 would miss 140…why.

In binary
1 = 0001 - first harmonic
2 = 0010 - second harmonic
3 = 0011 - first and second harmonics
4 = 0100 - third harmonic
5 = 0101 - first and third harmonics
6 = 0110 - second and third harmonics
7 = 0111 - first second and third harmonics

Ah ha…thats great bit of information.
Ok…When I get this all figured out I am going to write a Tuning the notch for dummies lol

Thanks Andy.


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Dummies can just click the boxes :slight_smile:

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hahah thanks for that Dave.
The dummies doc is for me, so I stop bothering you and @andyp1per
good thing is I think I am starting to get it…takes a bit. Fly day tomorrow…shall see how the filters work out.

Thanks again guys.

So this is the before graph

This is the after graph

All I can say is WOW
Now if I can only figure out why my folding props are generating so much vibration I would be happy.
Before folding props.


But thats a subject for a different thread.

Which folding props are you using? Brand and size?

Tarot 15 iinch.
I checked them all this morning to see if the blades weight is off in each pair. But apart from one prop. Each blade weighed in at the same…basically they are a matched blade for each prop. So the only other item I can think of is the hub and I checked each hub for balance and they are spot on…So I am truly puzzled.

I experienced vibration at certain point across the throttle in some folding props. Usually at 60 to 70 percent. Is it similar or is it all over the throttle band?

Sorry can’t see your photo…also not sure how to see vibrations against throttle.

Just completed a tune and i’m pretty sure i have i eliminated the a lot of the peaks, but there are still some on the Accel.

So i’m off this afternoon to complete an autotune and see if it stops the bobbling when flying in pos_hold.

Thanks @andyp1per


There is no notch filtering on accels, so the reduction is a second order effect from the gyros. You will always see some peaks on accels therefore.

Thanks for the info, it looks a whole lot better now than it did before. Actually looking forward to flying it now.


Hello guys!
I have difficulties to tuning the harmonic notch, I have tried different frequencies and and their corresponding bandwidths but I always have high peaks. These pictures show it:

Before filter:

After setting 65Hz of frequency and 32,5Hz bandwidth

I have made different tests, here are the logs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pTHUZnXWYQmPZf6Ph0UW-t6hBiw1j33z?usp=sharing

So what am I doing wrong?

The configuration of my drone is:
Motor: T motor antigravity MN4006
Props: Dynam 4 blade10.5X8
FC: The cube black
Battery: 6S 3300mAh


You’ve done the right things. According to the log your hover thrust is more like 0.35 so you should set your REF value to that.
Also this is a cube black with 3 IMUs and you are asking for 3 harmonics. Try turning off the second and third IMUs just to see if its CPU related.

Here there are more tests with the parameters you told me.

1- 1,2 and 3 Hamonic, only first IMU activated.

2- 1 and 2 Harmonic, only first IMU activated.

I think that the vibes are still too high, and here you have the logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19u_XAE08LlOQRLXCYQHgg6weOUYusLf0/view?usp=sharing