Tuning the Harmonic Notch

probably turn rock solid here then thanks for letting me no

My dynamic harmonics PR has been merged into master: https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/pull/14470

If you are using ESC telemetry then I would definitely recommend using this:


This gives you a notch per motor. You will also get a big benefit by raising the BLHeli t-trate (SERVO_BLH_TRATE), I am using 100Hz on an F7 without issue.
This change significantly reduces the noise generated by the notches, so you should also find that if you re-tune with it on you will get a much crisper tune.

With FFT you should also get better results as it will track all 3 FFT peaks, although this is more applicable to larger copters so not necessarily worth it on a small racer.

Finally if you touch nothing, you should still get lower noise/better performance from the increase in notch update rate and the fact that the low-pass filter is now run last.

Happy Father’s Day!


So if I was using Double notch, disable that and enable “Dynamic Harmonic” only? If it makes a difference I’m using FFT not ESC telemetry.

It’s a bit mask. So you can set it to 3 to use both.

Knew it was a bitmask (MP has a selector menu for each in latest beta) but not if it was OK to run both. Thanks!!

At one point it wasn’t safe as @rbachtell 's broken Solo will attest to :frowning:

So reasonable question - but safe now!

Wow, enabling all this goodness sure is effective! This is on my 5" 210 with a Pixracer, Dynamic FFT (no ESC telemetry), Dynamic Harmonic and Double Notch. I suppose Double Notch isn’t required on this little guy?



Hah, yeah pretty dramatic eh? Do another tune and fly, fly, fly :wink:

I think on smaller quads the double-notch is counter productive - the peak is so pronounced that you want the attenuation that a single-notch can give rather than the breadth of a double-notch.

Roger that. I looked at the Load on the Pixracer and it’s ~53% max. No problem :grinning:

When you tune:

  • Set FLTT to 0 first
  • Set AGGR to 0.2

After you tune:

  • Set FLTT to 30 or so
  • Do NOT set ATC_ACCEL values to 0

Hi Andy,

Could I get your thoughts on my pre and post harmonic notch results?



As you can see, there’s a dramatic difference! Is there anything else I should do to further reduce the peaks?

I am currently running throttle based as my ESCs don’t support telemetry.



Your primary harmonic is at 32Hz so you might do better to set INS_HNTCH_FREQ to that but use a narrow bandwidth - 15Hz say - to avoid control issues
You could also increase ATT to 40

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You might want to set INS_LOG_BAT_OPT to 0 (not 1) and re-test for better averaging/oversampling.

Of course I’m just parroting what Mr. Piper said a few days ago :grinning:

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Okay, thanks for your help Andy & Dave. I’ll give those suggestions a try

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I have a PhD, so technically it’s “Dr Piper” … :wink:


Excuse the error Dr. Piper, I should have know that!

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Good morning Dr Piper and Sir Dave lol,im going to have an other go at my 3 incher bloody health gets in the way,is there much difference between using FFT or the Harmonic tuning please

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Use ESC telemetry if you’ve got it. Otherwise, FFT is better than throttle based notch.


Yes, what wicked said. I have transitioned thru all of them. I don’t have a craft flying with ESC telemetry now so in lieu of that I’m using Master on 2 craft (a 5" and a 13") with FFT and it’s working very well. Both of these are “OK to crash” though, Master won’t be best for all certainly.

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Thank you,Wicked and Dave will probably try and set up esc telemtry put need to get a new cable for my 4 in 1 esc