Tuning the Harmonic Notch

Yes. How is it mounted now?

TBH I don’t think it’s worth it - your gyro peaks are pretty low now

It is sitting on a piece of thick double sided sticky foam.

Implemented here: https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/pull/14470

Now that I’ve introduced some filtering not sure how relevant this is. I probably need to check for all ESCs being missing. Will think some more.


Hey @andyp1per,

Do you see it possible to add support for UAVCAN esc rpm on this harmonic filter. Current version of AC can already log UAVCAN esc rpm so the data is available.

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It’s certainly possible, just requires someone to do the work.

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Did a post tune flight, with INS_HNTCH_FREQ = 110

Here’s the graph

The weather was horrible this weekend, so was unable to do a dynamic flight.
Hope to do that this week so I can decide if I have to softmount the FC more.

Here’s the bin file.
I see no more Viration failsafes and gps errors.

The notch is working well. .

Note: Nevermind, I was confusing 2 different craft logs. This was apparent when I saw 3 IMU’s in the log :confused:

Now looking at the right log… The notch is doing it’s job but the fundamental vibe issue is of course still there. And you do have a Vibe FS. It’s the SubSys29:ECode 1 error.

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The other thing to consider is putting in a fixed notch at the FC/IMU resonant frequency. Not sure how you figure out what this is, but certainly testing I have done shows a large resonance at around 90-120Hz on these kinds of IMU mountings.

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I’m going to pull the quad apart and come up with a better way to mount the FC.
One problem with the matek765 at the current location inside the frame is that it’s hard to reach the usb connection to do any settings over usb cable. I got an angled usb cable since the connector in the matek is pointing up.
Adding a mount under the matek with extra vibration mounts will make it impossible to use a usb cable.
I tried getting the logs off the fc over wireless mavlink, but that does not work.

It will work with a WiFi radio (ESP8266) although it’s very slow. It’s what I used with a Kakute F7 in a Plane with limited access. Actually I have these radios on most craft. But you need to do firmware updates anyway so you will have to solve that somehow.

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I’ve had really good luck mounting FCs on Kyosho Zeal Gel. Get the thickest they make and give it a shot.


Thanx for the tip. Never heard of that stuff… is it more flexible then using foam tape? I might give something like that a try.

I do think that there is more going on in the frame. I think it does not help that the gimbal is integrated in the frame with softmounts also… This might amplify the Z vibrations resulting in what I see.
Also the arm have a bit of flex… it’s just not a very stiff frame overal.

That’s a a good idea! I have an esp8266 somewhere doing nothing.
I just realized that I can also just remove the SD card. I can get to the card from the side.
Also, I’m using a crossfire diversity antenna, and use mavlink over crossfire, so I can also use that to get to the flight controller. The problem is that just like the esp8266, it’s slow doing it that way.

Just for your reference this is a vibration dampening system I have been using on all sizes of multi rotor for years.
First developed in the the good old days of Ardupilot 1.4 and works even better now with the newer firmware.

This is from a ZMR250 with a Pixracer jammed into it


The good old O-rings from the good old days :grinning: I have been using these ball mounts on PixRacers and replacing the black balls with the orange squishier (technical term) ones used for camera mounts.

And there’s the ESP8266 radio sitting on top!

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For one more OT post, Whenever using anything rubber, I’ve found adding earplug foam compressed between the FC and frame (parallel to the rubber) improves things even more.


Definitely agree. On a ~550 13" quad I’m using this same FC/mount setup as a smaller quad but that combination is mostly undamped and the foam really helped. I placed it between the top and bottom plate of this mount

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one small suggestion if you cannot get Kyosho Zeal Mounting Gel go ti any music shop and get moon gel very similar and works good

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Hi Marty- One problem with Moongel, which you likely won’t experience where you are :grinning:, is when it gets hot it turns to goop!

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