Target Never Acquired by IR-LOCK under 3.5.4

Yes, you will see sunlight with raw video, but then if you press the “Home” button in Pixymon, does it detect the sunlight (make a box)? It shouldn’t.

The only requirement for Pixy lens is that it must not have an IR filter. Many lenses do, so be careful when purchasing one.

Firmware 1.0.1 is correct - this is the firmware that must be used with the MarkOne beacon, as it is the firmware that ignores sunlight by detecting only IR sources with a particular frequency. If you ever updated your Pixy firmware, you must also reset its configuration. In Pixymon, go to Action -> Restore default parameter values.

When I put the lens in the position of the second picture,the pixymon has many “box”.When I turn the lens toward the sun,it’s a big “box”.

Hm that is wrong, it definitely should not do that. Can you take a picture of the raw video of the same thing?

Have you tried the Restore default parameters? If that doesn’t help, try reinstalling the firmware, then restoring parameters. Make sure it is the latest version 1.0.1 firmware.

I have restored the default Settings.It’s the raw video.

Maybe it has some problems.The pixymon shows “Pixy firmware version 1.0.3”.But i load it as “firmware_IRLOCKpixy_1.0.1.hex” .Does the pixymon1.0.2 can use on win10?

Yes Pixymon 1.0.2 works on Win10. However, I found that I had to install Pixymon 2.0.9 first to get the proper drivers, then uninstall it and install 1.0.2.

Try the following:

  • Make sure lens is focused properly. It’s hard for me to tell, but the focus looks bad. To get best focus, use raw video mode and turn the lens until the focus is sharp, then turn the lens counter-clockwise by 1/4 turn.

  • Restore default parameters in Pixymon. This will reset some camera settings which, if not properly set, will not filter out false targets.

  • If that doesn’t work, reinstall 1.0.1 firmware, then restore parameters again. My Pixymon says Pixy Firmware version 1.0.1.

OK.I will be try it.Thanks so much.:grinning:

I reinstall 1.0.1 firmware,but my Pixymon also says Pixy Firmware version 1.0.3.Would you mind share your 1.0.1 firmware?
If I install the correct firmware, can pixy detect the sunlight? Or l need focus lens and restore default parameters,then it will filter out false targets?

With the correct firmware and parameters, it should not detect sunlight. The firmware is here. And yes, make sure you restore default parameters after installing new firmware. It should work.

However, I saw in the other thread that Thomas said you may have an unofficial beacon. Did you get your Pixy from IR-Lock? The ones they sell have a special filter installed, so if you did not get your Pixy from IR-Lock, it may not work properly without the filter.

OMG,What a pity!Is the filter sold separately?:persevere:

The filter is included with the Pixy if you buy from IR-Lock. If you buy from somewhere else, then yes I think you must buy it separately, but I do not know the specifications of the filter, so it is probably safest to buy both the Pixy and the beacon directly from IR-Lock.

Thank you for the logs!

You are using a clone/fake MarkOne beacon (and perhaps, sensor), which DOES NOT perform in the same way as a genuine MarkOne beacon. Also, you are using a non-MarkOne sensor firmware. Thus, you are going to get false detections (see image).

You can use the clone hardware for testing, but it is going to be VERY difficult for us to help you optimize your system when you have these false detections.

I’m sorry to know that I used the fake beacon.I will buy the MarkOne and PIXY from the IR-LOCK webstore when I confirm that it really can work in a bright environment.
I’m not sure if the MarkOne also uses 940nm infrared led.As far as I know, there is also 940 nm infrared light in the sunlight.How can you filter the sunlight?Hardware or MarkOne sensor firmware?

Thank you so much!:grinning:

How can you filter the sunlight?Hardware or MarkOne sensor firmware?

Both. As I understand, the beacon pulses the LEDs at a particular frequency that the 1.0.1 firmware on the Pixy is looking for. Therefore, even though the Pixy can see other infrared sources such as sunlight, it will only detect an IR-Lock beacon.

I’m sorry to know that I used the fake beacon.

You are welcome to use whatever hardware you like, but I cannot provide technical support. Trying to optimize PL controls without having reliable, high-rate detection is a challenging task.

I will buy the MarkOne and PIXY from the IR-LOCK webstore when I confirm that it really can work in a bright environment.

The clone hardware DOES NOT work in the same way as the genuine MarkOne hardware. To be honest, it is a scam, since it advertises “reliable detection”. I wish there was some way to remove/modify the clone listing.

The genuine MarkOne system provides reliable detection in all lighting conditions. This has been confirmed by a MANY users. And you can check the demo videos.

I’m getting farther and farther on the wrong road.:disappointed_relieved:
OK.I will buy it.Does sonar is enough for IR-LOCK?

You would have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you had used the genuine MarkOne/IR-LOCK products from the beginning. However, I realize that it would be more convenient if the genuine products did not need to be shipped all the way from the US (

I do not recommend sonar. Sonar does not provide very accurate/consistent altitude readings.

The LW20/SF20 rangefinders and are designed to be compatible with the MarkOneV2.0 beacon. We highly recommend the LW20/SF20 rangefinders.

Or, you could try a cheaper laser rangefinder for initial testing (the worst case is that you may notice some interference with the cheaper rangefinder readings in a very small percentage of the landings).


I got the real irlock.Can the beacons change the duty ratio for improve the power?I found that PIXY is hard to find the target in the sun, but it can be indoors.

It should have no problem detecting the beacon outdoors. Did you get the Pixy from IR-Lock? They have a filter that is needed for it to work properly.

If you did get a Pixy from IR-Lock, then you may just need to install the firmware and then restore default parameters. That should work.

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