Target Never Acquired by IR-LOCK under 3.5.4

If you have the genuine MarkOne Beacon and the genuine IR-LOCK Sensor, you can follow this tutorial to get reliable detection in the sun.

Yes,I have the genuine MarkOne Beacon and Sensor from IR-Lock,I follow the tutorial to test but failed.The problem is ā€œHeal = 1ā€ but ā€œTacq = 0ā€.And the HUB shows ā€œBad vision positionā€.
In addition,I have two lens from IR-LOCK.Which one is useful?

The correct lens is the one that comes already installed in the Pixy. That is the lens which is provided by IR-Lock. The extra lens that comes in a plastic bag is the lens that is sold with the Pixy, and it has an IR filter, so it wonā€™t work.

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ā€¦ also, did you click ā€˜restore default parameter valuesā€™ after installing the sensor firmware provided in the tutorial?

Yes,i did.And i donā€™t know why the HUD always shows ā€œbad vision positionā€.

That probably indicates a setup/configuration issue. Do you have a log file from an attempted flight? It may show that the PL:Health is ā€˜0ā€™, or that the rangefinder is not functioning properly.

From my experience with irlock (wich works great on our machines) the problem with (bad vision position) is due to the Pixy not correctly talking to the flight controller.

Check your i2c connection is working properly and check pinout connection is correct.


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Hi Thomasļ¼Œ
Iā€™m going to have multiple drones identify their respective beacons.Would you mind sharing the Markoneā€™s codeļ¼ŸThank you very muchļ¼