Rover Lawnmower for Airstrip?

This is the JSN-SR04T sensor that I am using and there is some info on connecting it here.

Yeah there are several companies selling them, but only a few making them. Does yours look like either of these? 22in track

or 27in track

These are the smaller units we are selling and have repair parts for.

Very similar to your smaller one but a 19" blade width and a hood shaped as the larger. After running ours a good bit, have several suggestions you might want to offer them if they ask for dealers input.

probably not appropriate to this thread, but I would love to hear them. Email me

Gotcha. Will contact you tomorrow.

51TT is under construction, but some grass is growing! I have a 60” toro to make my life “easier”. Would love to trade notes on our builds…Cris