Reverse Tricopter-VTOL Plane

Hi Rolf,

I am currently working on a Tandem Bicopter which tilts its only front motor for forward flight just like Mozart 2.

Can you teach me how did you manage to adapt the code to turn 180 degree into Reverse Tricopter?

And how did you adapt the code for the front motor to tilt?

Here is my post! Tandem Bicopter transit into Cessna

Hope you can help me!


Hi Peter,

our trimotor VTOL can be thought of as a “backward flying tri with vector-yaw and the rear motor tiltable”. Therefore the motor matrix itself did not need to be changed. Peter Hall @iampete has helped and extended the code: Reverse Tricopter-VTOL Plane - #9 by iampete
More in your thread Tandem Bicopter transit into Cessna


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