Radio failsafe with CRSF with Yaapu Telemetry with FrSky Taranis; log analysis help requested

I’ve also had a couple of failsafes recently. Very close range, I’d say less that 30m away from me. I’m running AC 4.2.1. The crossfire module is running 6.x. Can’t remember exactly the version. I’m travelling right now so I’m not sure I’ll be able to check for a while. I’ll try and post a log if I can.

Maybe it’s related to a type of FC/processor? I think everything I flew recently had F405 (CTR, SE, WING) in it. No problems so far. Craft with F7 seem ok CRSF-wise on the bench, but not flown yet this year.

Any recent failsafes are down to CPU load rather than actual radio failsafes. We relaxed the time constraint in 4.1 to make this less likely to happen. My expectation is that 4.1 is better than 4.0 and 4.2 is better than 4.2. I have looked through the code to see if there’s anywhere that the passthrough code is taking more cycles than it should, but I can’t see anything. Note that there are a couple of fairly significant CRSF bugs fixed in 4.2.2:

b) CRSF protection against watchdog on bad frames
c) CRSF reset in flight handled

and (c) includes any changes for CRSFv3 that appeared in 6.17

Mines been with a Matek F405-std. no bench issues noted. Only in flight and usually very close range.

Since updating to 6.17 and keeping up with the stable Ardupilot builds I haven’t had a bind loss or failsafe. Close to 100 flights last month. Some out past 20km with no issues.

I’m not game to move to 6.19 whilst I’ve been having good luck. I got stung hard with previous CRSF versions. Has anyone tried 6.19?


  • Crossfire mini unit
  • Diversity and Nano RX’s (old and new versions)
  • Cube Orange, Matek 743 (slim/wing), F405wing
  • FW and Copter vehicles

6.19 supports CRSFv3 BTW

Andy @andyp1per -Do you know if the CRSF Nano Rx’s support v6.19 or is it just Tracer? The Micro Tx updates but then no more bind to the Rx so trying to update the Rx has proved futile so far.

Tried and have failed so far.

No reason it shouldn’t work, but I have found the update process to be extremely flaky. I have a test nano here - I will try

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@dkemxr I took the plunge and have 2 vehicles on CRSF6.19 running Copter 4.2.3 on Matek 743 slim boards. I have both the older and newer chip designed CRSF Nano RX’s for RC link. So far so good! Weather has been sub-optimal so I have not had an opportunity to conduct robust testing to build my confidence with the link.

I agree with Andy that the OTA update is hit and miss. The emergency update/flash to the RX does the trick for me: My Crossfire Micro receiver is flashing green quickly and won't bind : Team BlackSheep

Control is via a TBS Tango 2 for testing purposes. But, I can confirm Yappu (dev version) does work with 6.19 on Edge TX.

Well, OK. The “Golden Firmware” completely screwed my on the Nano Pro I have and they sent me a new one. The standard Nano diversity wasn’t a walk in the park either. It’s disappointing that the information for v6.19 is from some 3rd party website. The newer TBS Agent Web seems to be unpredictable also. It’s a big sigh for me as I have Frsky R9 stuff that is a Pain in The Ass too. It’s all flying and functioning but it shouldn’t t have to be so painful.

This is a good point - Trappy blames AgentX for a lot of this, so definitely use AgentM

I think AgentM has become Agent Web and that’s what I tried. I also downloaded and installed Agent Desktop but it froze on sign-in. This I will try again on a different PC.

Nope, didn’t work. It connected to the Rx but the Installer froze requiring a restart. Then got the damn fast flashing blue LED on the Tx and had to re-install v6.17 to get things working again.

Flash your R9 hardware with ELRS and enjoy the freedom!

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OK, I got this to work on both the Nano Rx Diversity and Pro. 1st I had to disable the Yaapu script so Agent Lite would detect the Micro Tx (EdgeTx 2.7.1 problem). From here it’s the normal update process (banging head). I updated the Tx using Agent Web. Then from Agent Lite selected Bind and powered the Rx and it immediately asked to update the Rx firmware. It did that then bound and good to go. Put the Yaapu script directly back on and all good.

The EdgeTx problem is supposed to be fixed in 2.8 when it comes out.

Having this same RC failsafe problem with CRSF.
New quad build started with very intermittent RC failsafe on the following system.
Crossfire TX nano
Crossfire RX nano
Frsky Ethos X20s
Matek H743.

At first sometimes the link came back but later it never did and the RX lost bind every time. I tried 2 different RX nano and another nano pro. All did the same. I tried a few different firmwares but finally back on 6.19.
Then I got a new CRSF TX module (the top of the range one). Had one flight of about 30 minutes with all working. Today however, another RC failsafe at less than 100mts and again bind lost.
As its loosing bind it does strongly point to a problem between the TX & RX unit.
Its occurred with 2 different H743 FC units as well. The only common component is now the Frsky X20. Logic would say its not a prime suspect but Im really out of ideas. Probably even if the External CRSF unit lost power intermittently, it wouldn’t lead to a loss on bind?
I will try to setup the system on my old X9d open TX and see how it goes.
Any ideas welcome.

This last year, the effort/reward ratio of this hobby has hit an all time low. Many hours of computer research and a handful of minutes in the air. (I have another post about many mystery crashes).

Im actually on copter 4.4.0

There might be relevant fixes in ArduCopter 4.4.4. Why aren`t you using that one?

Actually I am. My mistake.
Anyway I think the problem is between the two CRSF units.

I agree that loss of bind really sounds like a Crossfire issue, not a ArduPilot issues. Have you tried it without the yaapu script running?

I recently had a problem with a Crossfire nano RX with the same symptoms (first RC failsafes, then the loss of binding). My theorie is that it partially unsoldered itself due to a combination of high power, low airflow (inside heat shrink tube) and I sometimes even used it without the antenna, which wasn’t smart.

I could fix it with a heat gun to melt and re-set all the solder joints on the board.

  1. You should use 6.19 - that is the latest stable TBS firmware
  2. You should move this discussion to 4.4
  3. Please try this firmware - Dropbox - arducopter.apj - Simplify your life - it is a build of 4.4.4 for MatekH743-bdshot with fixes in for the failsafes that you are experiencing. These changes will be in 4.5. I talk about it at the beginning of this video: