Radio failsafe with CRSF (continuation of discussion from 4.1)

Finally I’m able to also contribute some experiences: First flight of the year today for me with CRSF 6.19, AC 4.50-beta3, Nano RX. Only a slow, closeby test flight of about 7 minutes, total uptime maybe 13 minutes (waiting for GPS lock and passers-by to pass). Result: No problems with Crossfire.

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Back to Crossfire 6.19 on AC 4.4.4 and I’m still getting some failsafes. Thought it might be the RFD radio, but I disabled that and it was no change. This drone did have a new Walksnail camera installed, but again, that behavior didn’t change. I’m thinking that AC4.5 might be the next step.

I can send you a version of 4.4 for the CRSF fix to try if that would help? What flight controller?

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At last, someone else is losing bind, not that Id wish it on anyone. Was it just the once or occurring a few times?

CRSF support suggested I do a factory reset of the TX and RX from the OLED menu, then a bootloader flash of the RX. I thought it has worked as I had about 2 hours flying over 3 flights and 2 days. However my optimism as usual was unfounded. Just had another RTL with loss of bind. It was a long flight, out to about 1km, then some loiter then an Auto mission. It failed during the auto mission only about 200mts away. My RTL and rally point are well tested now.
I have 3 nanos and am now keeping a diary of which does what but they all do the same random loss of bind. Can be 2 hours or 2 minutes between failures.
Id really like to get to the bottom of this. Even beginning to wonder if a neighbor has an anti drone device. I dont think my setup is anything unusual yet it seems its quite a rare problem (loss of bind). It has not occurred with TX & RX just powered and connected. Sat for days like that. It has only occurred with a FC connected but perhaps just coincidence.

what is the fix andy?

Its a build that fixes a FC timing issue but it wont help our loss of bind problem.
There is a file link in the last post of this thread.


Cube Orange (original, not plus)- BDShot.

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Thanks @andyp1per I’ll get that installed and if winter backs off I’ll try it out.

Had a brainwave this morning after thinking there is nothing else to try on my loss of bind issue.
I disabled telemetry in the RX and paused Yaapu on the X20.
Just had several flights on one of my RX nanos that has had the most problems and it was fine. Its rather unsettling flying without Yaapu dinging away.
Could there be a strange bug that shows up only with Ethos, Ardupilot, CRSF 6.19 when telemetry is used? That could be why the nano pro (that has enhanced telemetry) always recovers from the disconnect aster 6 seconds.

But, every time I think I may have found something significant it turns out in the next flight that I was wrong.

It has also occurred to me that the problem happens almost always in the 200-300 meter range. This is where I see the mode change from 150hz to 50hz, and I think it always happens when flying away. I’ll check logs tomorrow.

For me it’s been even closer, 10 to 50m. I’ve also suspected something about the mode change, but I’m not sure right now.

@andyp1per . I think im getting somewhere and would appreciate an expert viewpoint.

In EVERY case my bind loss follows the CRSF dropping link rate down to 50Hz on a waypoint mission. Having trawled my logs I cant find any incidents of failure in any other case, not loiter or stabilize. I have at least 10 files with this exact sequence. Id say its looking like a CRSF firmware issue, possibly exacerbated but the FC coms link?
Yesterday I did some flights with RX telemetry off and it didn’t fail.
Here are a few examples of the link failing. You can see the last few mavlink MSG that the linkrate drops followed my radio failsafe.

@Allister I didnt think you were losing bind?

Losing bind has to be a TBS firmware issue - you should let your support contact know.

Have already. He suggests I check the power connections etc so Im not confident of them fessing up and finding a solution. But Im puzzled why everyone is not having this issue?

Hello to the entire Ardupilot community.
I have been experiencing the failsafe and unbind problems mentioned here on my quadcopter, which has been working with 3 separate crossfire nano receivers for the last year. I found the solution by changing the communication protocol of Crossfire Nano with the flight controller to non-inverted SBUS. So I had to sacrifice telemetry data. In this way, the unbind problem was eliminated.

@sakirpolay . Thats interesting. At least Im finding a few more people with this issue. On another group yesterday someone said they have 9 nanos and all lose bind. As I discovered, it looks like I simply need to turn off telemetry and its ok, but, the reason I bought this expensive system was exactly for the telemetry function. And on that topic, I have not managed to connect it to a tablet by wifi or bluetooth (QGC) which was another attraction of this system.

Vince is it a temporary bind loss or do you have to allow the failsafe to land the vehicle and then rebind manually?

I’m only having failsafes. I’ve never lost bind.

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@andyp1per .
I have to allow it to land, then go through the full rebind by powering up the RX with the button pressed. It then seems to do a firmware reload for a few seconds.
The nano PRO rx will just disconnect for 6 seconds, then reconnect so I can cancel RTL.

I havent dared use the aircraft as I need to be familiar with setting up a landing.

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