for Ethos 1.4x : ETHOS-Feedback-Community/lua at 1.4 · FrSkyRC/ETHOS-Feedback-Community · GitHub
for Ethos 1.5x : ETHOS-Feedback-Community/lua at 1.5 · FrSkyRC/ETHOS-Feedback-Community · GitHub
Think I just realized what I was doing wrong. Yaapu should be paused for it to work properly.
There is another cause for my loss of bind, not just 433mhz radio.
I usually power up my Walksnail VTX just before takeoff (to stop overheating) but I forgot yesterday and powered up in the air a few seconds after airbourne. A few seconds later RTL again (and loss of bind). The 433 is disconnected.
The VTX takes about 16 seconds to boot. Its exactly 16 seconds from the RC channel change to signal loss. It seems fine once booted. I guess as it starts it outs out some wacky signals?
I hope for your sake this is the cause of your issues. However, I’ve been having fail safes on 915MHz Crossfire, and I was wondering if the RFD radios (also 915) were causing the issues. I disabled the radios and it made no change. At the time of testing I didn’t have a VTX. (it has walksnail now, but again, I may disable for first flights)
I’ve reflashed 6.19 on my problem child and hopefully I can test this week and see if that fixed it.
@Allister . Are your failsafes also losing bind? When mine happen it dosent reconnect. Need to open up the copter, take out the nano and do the button pressing game. I think 90% was my 433 radio. 10% looks like just while the VTX boots.
I would have thought having 2 powerful systems on 915, they would defiantly interfere but Im no expert.
I’ve never lost bind.
I was worried about running multiple 915 units, but then I thought of it like this: You wouldn’t think twice about flying FPV with a buddy who was also using Crossfire standing beside you. Ideally you would run different bands (915/2.4G) etc, but so far on other aircraft running this setup had been fine.
Seems I spoke too soon.
2 loss of bind events in the last hour. No 433 radio and no VTX powered.
Quite hacked off actually. Think Im done with the nano. Had another flight with the nano pro with everything turned on. No problems. Nano going in the bin.
I have the same problem when flying with the latest crossfire I get lost of bind in mid air…
What fix the issue downgrade to stable version for the crossfire? Ardupilot 4.4.4
Finally I’m able to also contribute some experiences: First flight of the year today for me with CRSF 6.19, AC 4.50-beta3, Nano RX. Only a slow, closeby test flight of about 7 minutes, total uptime maybe 13 minutes (waiting for GPS lock and passers-by to pass). Result: No problems with Crossfire.
Back to Crossfire 6.19 on AC 4.4.4 and I’m still getting some failsafes. Thought it might be the RFD radio, but I disabled that and it was no change. This drone did have a new Walksnail camera installed, but again, that behavior didn’t change. I’m thinking that AC4.5 might be the next step.
I can send you a version of 4.4 for the CRSF fix to try if that would help? What flight controller?
At last, someone else is losing bind, not that Id wish it on anyone. Was it just the once or occurring a few times?
CRSF support suggested I do a factory reset of the TX and RX from the OLED menu, then a bootloader flash of the RX. I thought it has worked as I had about 2 hours flying over 3 flights and 2 days. However my optimism as usual was unfounded. Just had another RTL with loss of bind. It was a long flight, out to about 1km, then some loiter then an Auto mission. It failed during the auto mission only about 200mts away. My RTL and rally point are well tested now.
I have 3 nanos and am now keeping a diary of which does what but they all do the same random loss of bind. Can be 2 hours or 2 minutes between failures.
Id really like to get to the bottom of this. Even beginning to wonder if a neighbor has an anti drone device. I dont think my setup is anything unusual yet it seems its quite a rare problem (loss of bind). It has not occurred with TX & RX just powered and connected. Sat for days like that. It has only occurred with a FC connected but perhaps just coincidence.
what is the fix andy?
Its a build that fixes a FC timing issue but it wont help our loss of bind problem.
There is a file link in the last post of this thread.
Cube Orange (original, not plus)- BDShot.
Thanks @andyp1per I’ll get that installed and if winter backs off I’ll try it out.
Had a brainwave this morning after thinking there is nothing else to try on my loss of bind issue.
I disabled telemetry in the RX and paused Yaapu on the X20.
Just had several flights on one of my RX nanos that has had the most problems and it was fine. Its rather unsettling flying without Yaapu dinging away.
Could there be a strange bug that shows up only with Ethos, Ardupilot, CRSF 6.19 when telemetry is used? That could be why the nano pro (that has enhanced telemetry) always recovers from the disconnect aster 6 seconds.
But, every time I think I may have found something significant it turns out in the next flight that I was wrong.
It has also occurred to me that the problem happens almost always in the 200-300 meter range. This is where I see the mode change from 150hz to 50hz, and I think it always happens when flying away. I’ll check logs tomorrow.
For me it’s been even closer, 10 to 50m. I’ve also suspected something about the mode change, but I’m not sure right now.