@andyp1per . I think im getting somewhere and would appreciate an expert viewpoint.
In EVERY case my bind loss follows the CRSF dropping link rate down to 50Hz on a waypoint mission. Having trawled my logs I cant find any incidents of failure in any other case, not loiter or stabilize. I have at least 10 files with this exact sequence. Id say its looking like a CRSF firmware issue, possibly exacerbated but the FC coms link?
Yesterday I did some flights with RX telemetry off and it didn’t fail.
Here are a few examples of the link failing. You can see the last few mavlink MSG that the linkrate drops followed my radio failsafe.
Have already. He suggests I check the power connections etc so Im not confident of them fessing up and finding a solution. But Im puzzled why everyone is not having this issue?
Hello to the entire Ardupilot community.
I have been experiencing the failsafe and unbind problems mentioned here on my quadcopter, which has been working with 3 separate crossfire nano receivers for the last year. I found the solution by changing the communication protocol of Crossfire Nano with the flight controller to non-inverted SBUS. So I had to sacrifice telemetry data. In this way, the unbind problem was eliminated.
@sakirpolay . Thats interesting. At least Im finding a few more people with this issue. On another group yesterday someone said they have 9 nanos and all lose bind. As I discovered, it looks like I simply need to turn off telemetry and its ok, but, the reason I bought this expensive system was exactly for the telemetry function. And on that topic, I have not managed to connect it to a tablet by wifi or bluetooth (QGC) which was another attraction of this system.
@andyp1per .
I have to allow it to land, then go through the full rebind by powering up the RX with the button pressed. It then seems to do a firmware reload for a few seconds.
The nano PRO rx will just disconnect for 6 seconds, then reconnect so I can cancel RTL.
I havent dared use the aircraft as I need to be familiar with setting up a landing.
Hello to the ardupilot community. when the unbind problem of the crossfire nano receiver occurs during the flight, it becomes rtl with radio failsafe. in this case, in order for the receiver to bind, I need to update the firmware and perform binding procedure from the transmitter each time.
Im now completely convinced the loss of bind problem occurs in dynamic mode when the link rate drops from 150 to 50hz. It dosent happen every time it drops but every loss of bind event follows a link rate drop message.
The solution should have been to fix the link to 50 but in my setup, this generated a constant stream of messages saying the link rate is 150. I didnt try flying like this.
TBS support suggested I try beta 6.31. I did this today. At first the RX would not stay bound for more than a few minutes. Every disconnect was like my loss of bind problem and needed a full reset. I fixed the link rate at 50hz again. At first there were a stream of messages again that the link rate was 150hz but they stopped after a minute (Im wondering if I gave it enough time with 6.19).
Had a long 40min flight without any problems. Need more testing.
This problem is definitely caused by the dynamic link rate speed reduction but why does the RX firmware get corrupted?
hello everyone yesterday i have again the same problem of losing bind in the crossfire with my plane i had to wait for it to land after 1 hour ,
i have telemetry enabled in dma port and the problem and after 1 min flight the plane got to rtl and unbind with the transmitter when i landed i saw that the crossfire receiver nano is on with red led…
the problem is from the telemtry? should i disable it? ,
Sounds like you have exactly the same problem as me. It occurs sometimes when the RC link speed drops from 150 to 50 hz. This of course happens as you fly away. If you get past this distance it will probably be fine. I think disabling telemetry will also help.
You may think fixing the link rate at 50 would help but it seems that menu item is not working. The link still changes 150-50.
You have a nano rx? Getting a nano pro will help. It still drops link but seems to recover after 6 seconds.
Can I ask what radio and flight controller you are using?
Also could you check your logs to see if you get the same message sequence as me (see my pic above) . It shows link speed drop followed by RC failsafe.
Lastly (5th edit). Could you contact TBS support. They keep telling me I’m the only person with this problem.
Hey ty for the reply the problem happend in 3 different fly controller 405 ws ,743-v3 Wing , speedybee f405 and 3 different nano receivers,
I think it’s something that happens when there is too many messages at the same time in the speedybee when I activated autotune after few secs the bind with the receiver gone and every thing the same exact thing…
Yes with me, 3 different FC (but all H743), 3 different nano.
What is your radio system Opentx?
If you tell me it’s Ethos I think we are onto something.
Any chance you could post the logs (.bin) so I could check if it looks exactly like my problem?
(Rover; AP 4.6.0-BETA, Pixhawk 6X CM4)
I’m getting “radio failsafe” alerts from Mission Planner on my EdgeTX/Radiomaster xmitter/ELRS receiver setup. It’s a new install for a Rover - looking forward to a resolution - let me know if I can test anything. . .