QUAD X Motor Tailsitter without control surfaces (H-Wing)

I know nothing about that unit but the fact that it has ESC built in would be very handy.
I designed the frame to support a separate 4 in 1 ESC so your choice would light the load.

good luck.

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I having good luck with this 4 and 1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B7RJYT79?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
They are 32 bit,

I was asked to update the Swan model in Realflight last week Programing and the flight modes seems to be ok. The hud seems to be fine.

HEQ01.param (25.1 KB

On the motor layout diagram, seems Ricky has alternating motor direction, where as the documentation shows same direction on each side. Does it matter which direction is used?

Check out the Parama file. works in Reaflight also ask Peter Hall he is the real expert.

I think that’s ok as well. Here is motor test from the realflight sim.

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ok first flight ended in disaster. Motor order seems to be wrong.

Does tailsitter follow the same motor test order as quads in clockwise direction, A=front right, B=rear right, C=rear left, D=front left?

In the diagram motor test would be 2-3-1-4?

Take a look at the video above possibly that will help…


I would guess that image is wrong. I think the motor order is correct. The “back” of the aircraft in quad flight would be towards the rudder. The problem I think is the motor direction. If you look at ALL the different frame type images on the “Motor order diagrams” page, they are either 'props in" or “props out”. The image you posted shows “props in” on the front motors and “props out” on the back motors. When a quad plane is flying in quad mode, it’s being controlled as a quad. Unless you hear otherwise from someone that actually is flying one, I would personally try reversing motors/props on motors #2 and #4 to make them “props in” to match 1 and #3. The other possible correct config would be doing the opposite and changing 1 and 3 to make them all props out. I don’t know which is actually correct.
My thoughts are coming just from looking at the diagrams. I only fly quads and haven’t tried quad planes yet.
Can someone that is actually flying one chime in on how your motor direction is configured? All “props in” or all “props out” ?
Good luck!

sorry, but don’t have the bandwidth to read the entire thread, but I was one of the original testers of AP firmware for the Swan K1 board on a stock Swan:

  1. it should be setup using the QuadX motor layout and directions…not the NYT QuadX! it does use yaw torque for yaw! diag motor pairs MUST rotate in same direction
    2.motor test should proceed clockwise starting from its right underwing motor (motor1,function 33)
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That’s why, I was using NYT layout.

So just to confirm, looking down at the nose of aircraft, motor test would be 2-lower left, 3-upper left, 1-upper right, and 4-lower right as shown in the attached Quad-X layout?

Thanks for clarifying Henry!

order will be motor1/4/2/3…in that diagram the rudder would be between motor 2 and 4

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Mine is flying in the simulation. I not had the time to make a real one yet.

Hey man I built this and it’s my third one currently. I have two of them flying currently. The motor order should be according to your ESC, I have it in aux channel motor 4,2,3,1. It works great. And please don’t use the NYT(it’s only meant for the ones with control surfaces), the QuadX is the correct one which is used for no control surface drones.


Well done! ---------- Very cool job Mark and Farkhod!

On the list to build for FBWA is a more compacted design.

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Thanks for the pics. Looking at your third one, it appears the motor/prop direction is set up as “props out”. So, could you please confirm if you are using the QUAD X frame type which is “props in” on a normal quad, or the H frame type which is “props out” on a normal quad?

A question for the devs… if you run props out on a normal QUAD X configured frame, does that just reverse the yaw direction from the pilot’s perspective, or does it make the quad unflyable (ie: the FC corrects in the wrong direction on the yaw axis)


This is what will happen with props out on quad X

@rickyg32 I have requested access to the STL if possible.

Unless others here can share the stl file?

Thanks Tristan.

Hey Tristan
I just did the most recent share request. If that was you you should be good to go.
There is one chap flying this so far.
