Hello everyone!
Today, I tried the Desired Speed to Throttle PID tuning. I had already set the parameters CRUISE_SPEED and CRUISE_THROTTLE some time in October.
Rover and manual controller (Graupner mx16) are charged properly, and a simple test at the beginning of the week showed that the motor reacts to input from the Graupner.
I wanted to check if everything would work smoothly during tuning outside, so I did a little functionality test indoors. Setting GCS_PID_MASK to 2 (throttle) I noticed, however, that the vehicle no longer answers to throttle input. Steering works perfectly fine, but trying to start the motor in MANUAL mode with the vehicle armed gives me no response.
I noticed too that it was not possible to switch from MANUAL mode to ACRO mode, giving me the error message “flight mode change failed”.
I will do a basic motor test again tomorrow, to see if the controller and vehicle communicate with each other properly (as they did initially). I did update MissionPlanner (BETA updates), so if there is any known issue with the BETA updates please let me know so I can try resetting MissionPlanner.
Thank you already in advance for your help, time and expertise.
Greetings, Julia