Within the past couple of weeks (I don’t know if it coincides with an Arducopter update) I’ve struggled to download log files from the Matek H743WING board in my heli. MP connects okay and shows the correct number of log files (usually only 4 or 5 because I delete after I’ve downloaded them) but when I select a file, or all files, to download the progress bar starts as normal going to about 98.3% in about 30 seconds, but then it refreshes and starts again from about 5% at a glacial pace. The download I’m doing at the moment is at 10.5% after about 17 minutes. At that pace it will take close to 3 hours, which is what happened recently when I first encountered the problem.
I’ve disconnected and reconnected to MP, shut down MP and started it again, and rebooted my Laptop (Windows 10) without any improvement. Any ideas please?
It does sound exactly the same, but the other thread that’s linked in it sounds slightly different. But I don’t see any resolution to the problem. I did try QGroundControl, but I couldn’t get it to see any files, whereas MP at least sees them, and downloads them eventually.
I can access the SD card in this heli, so I’ll check out copying them direct.
I encountered a similar issue, I found that if the log download was slow, restarting the flight controller and then downloading again would normalize the process.
When it first happened to me, after downloading the first file in about 3 hours I returned to the task next day (everything switched off overnight) and downloads then worked as normal. I’ll see if that’s the case this afternoon.
This afternoon I tried MP again a few times, powering down the FC and reloading MP each time, with the same result. I then tried QGC and it was able to download the files without any problem – 5 files in about 2 minutes.
I then went back to MP and was able to review the files as normal, so I then used MP to delete all files and it did so without any issue. That’s why I can’t try Mavproxy!
So does it sound like unistalling and reinstalling MP would help – is that where MAVFTP resides?
Thanks amilcarlucas. I’ve updated to the Beta version 1.3.28 build 1.3.9007.4717 and that seems to have done the job. I downloaded 4 files from another heli without any problem.
One minor issue now though – I’ve got a 3 x 2 display in the bottom left of the MP Quick screen, each containing a big red X, but double-clicking the boxes and selecting a parameter doesn’t cause the parameter to be displayed.