Practical experience using tuning guide of @amilcarlucas

Hi @amilcarlucas !
I am making the tuning on my vehicle using your guide/bible :slight_smile: :

In this post I will progressively publish the results following the different points of your guide.
For today I will start with point 2.1 :
Configure IMU Temperature calibration using the offline calibration tool
I followed the various points and got these results :
tcal.parm (625 Bytes)
And here the graphs :

The two parameter lists , as you wrote in your guide , have very similar parameters , here the parameter list for reference :
03_imu_temperature_calibration_results.param (16.9 KB)
The drone was kept stationary during calibration.

I will post my progress as I continue with the guide . For now I would just like feedback , to see if I have started on the right foot . Thank you very much !

Update :
Due to an oversight I did not publish the comparison between offline and online parameters :

It says in the guide that the discrepancy between the two parameter lists should be slight , but in some parameters there is a big difference ! Any idea why they might be so different @amilcarlucas

And below I also post the result of one of my second IMU temperature calibration test :

Again, the offline parameter list is quite different from the online one

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Hi Davide,
thank you for sharing, great to see the .param files being used :smiley:
The plots look perfect :+1:t2:

What FC are you using and what drone are you doing this for?

[Edit]: I wrote this when only the first plot was online

The second one has jumps. The board moved during calibration. Re-do it.

Save the on-line results to a param file.
Then plot them using --log-parm paramfilename
Then compare the plot with the offline plots.

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