PIXHAWK drone over climb and do not answer the input

MY pixhawk S550 hexacopter do not answer my inputs. when I arm it and then get into air after a serveral secnds it will climb around 50 to 60 feets though the throttle is 60%. Even I lower the throttle to 0 it remained as it is. If I switched the mode to land mode it tries to climb more hire and the reduce the height. But if I give any input It will climb again. here is the my last log file

You are using a very old version of firmware. Before troubleshooting further flash to latest Stable and go from there.
And this log file shows a flight never over 2m.

I used the latest firmware but in that firmware My NTF_Display parameter is not available.

I used the latest firmware but in that firmware My NTF Display parameter is not available. it means I can not use the display is it OK

What flight controller is it?

PIXHAWK 2.4.8 clone model. And also I’m using fmuv2 is it OK?

not much expensive one :sweat_smile:

No. Flash to latest stable. The parameters names have probbaly changed since 4.0 for that display type. See here External LED’s

OK I did it. Now my board is running fmuv2 V.4.5.4.
but except the firmware version what may cause that error. When I test My tx when I give 50% throttle the max speed gain and after that the speed won’t change.

You want fmuv3. Go here and download the .apj file and use Mission planners “load custom firmware” to flash it. fmuv3

This is meaningless. Use Mission Planners Motor Test props off to test motors and to confirm proper order and direction.

but in fmuv3 the buzzer won’t work why is thatđŸ˜„

Sorry. I mean when I give throttle the motor speed increasing normally but after I reach 50% of throttle the motor speed will not increase and it maintained in a same speed even though I reach 100%

Here is a hint. Your previous problem Google “arducopter ntf”. The buzzer problem Google “arducopter buzzer”. Both will show the Arducopter Wiki pages for these features.
Now, get to troublshooting.

OK. now I am recalibrating the drone
however what you can say by referring my .log files
I mean what may cause for it

Nothing. It’s not worth looking at a log file from V4.0.0.
For someone with your knowledge level go here:
The Configurator

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I also have an another problem. When I switch to loiter mode or land mode the altitude increase rapidly like to 50 to 60 feets. and the drone do not get my commands also. Can it be a bug of an older version or a problem in my side

Start over and deal with one issue at a time.

OK thanks I will let you know what will happen after recalibration

No. Post what happened after you worked your way thru the Configurator link I provided. No need to create any additional posts until it’s complete and you have further questions.

OK Thanks a lot. I will do it