Omnibus F4 V5 & V6 Setup - Application Race Quad

Hmmm… thanks Matt . Is there somewhere we can follow this? I havn’t attempted to look yet but if you had a link off the top of your head without going out of your way, it would be rad.

The weather has been crappy in the Northeast US lately so i think I can wait a bit.

I am not sure of anywhere to follow the progress of this as I heard it from @iampete
Pete, care to weigh in?

its been merged on master now, you may still need to use a inverted for F405 boards, depends on hardware some boards have inverters built in, some work to be done on enabling and disabling them from software.
Follow the progress here:

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Now that I saw this I did see something about serial_n options but kind of pass over it as I was going down a different rabbit hole at the time. Thanks for the link.

Yes, I’m using passthrough protocol (10) on 3 Pixracers so have familiarity with that. Also with connecting Tx to Rx and trying all available UARTS. So far no go.


I need to get some things wired up here but I might check out the master sooner or later. But I have been busier then I want to be so it has been a bit slow going.
I have a teensey 3.2 sitting around i might try out Eric’s mav2frskyS.Port on the R9-mm. I don’t want to have to run something that big in the long run.
I might order the part for an inverter, the max3232 thingy for rs3232 to ttl with rectifying diodes.
If we get the functions working on our boards in stable i can use the cable in another drone.

I know on the craft and theory page they only list the R9 full size as an option for their solution. Which is weird since the R9 series has been out for a bit. Maybe they didn’t want to mess with the connector on the Slim and Slim+ since the R9 full is a normal servo connector (R9 is a smaller market the the 2.4 X series stuff).

EDIT: This issue thread on GIT HUB explains a lot, check it out.

Thanks for the link. I have an F4 Nano for the bench now so I’ll do some more experimentation with a spare R-XSR that has both inverted and non-inverted Sport’s.I have a couple adapter cables (one C&T) but like you I don’t want to use it on tiny 130 build. There is barely enough space for components as it is.

Got around to soldering and testing some things on a rain cold day. Just tested OSD…Works on Master like before but not on v3.6.2 stable. Omnibus v6 regular.

So I think this is how we are supposed to be hooking this up.

Read the whole thread to see the issues getting worked out.

If you run master aka 3.7.DEV then you can get the inverted to work without extra hardware.
If you have an uninverted option like a few R9 series then you should be good.

If you use ESC telemetry and a GPS it seems we can’t do this as we are out of UARTS as UART 3 SERIAL4_ is RX only

S.Bus and TX1 are abandon?
If they worked normally as they should in BF then we woulnd’t have an issue when 3.7 goes stable or If this feature gets back ported to 3.6.X

I Just threw my XSR on my build and I am going to mess around with this tomorrow. I dind’t want to open my R9mm as i got some r9 Mini’s on the way and I am going to sell off my R9mm.

Hi, as i was not following that - what is the benefit of r9 mini vs r9-mm?

The R9 Mini has S.Bus in and out so you can use it for redundancy with other R9 and I would imagine other 2.4 FRsky receivers.
Then they made the R9mm and dropped the S.Bus in and put an inverted S.Port along with the regular S.Port (which is technically inverted like all X series and possibly others) Their claim is so it’s more compatible with all these smaller “FPV/Race/Freestyle” boards. And most of them have a soft serial to deal with the FRsky telemetry to start off with in BF.

I played around today with the F4 Nano and an R9 Slim but could not get passthrough to work. I don’t believe the SERIALx_OPTIONS parameter to invert (option 7) works on an F4. The diode hack may work didn’t try it. I’m moving on to an F7 board for a plane build anyway I’ll get back to this later.

Inversion via option setting does not work on f4. It only works on those f4 which have specific pins to force inversion. Ask @tridge to write a softserial implementation - that will work on any FC.
Half duplex and inverter control works on f7 only

Makes sense I tried it on my XRS and had no joy. Then my PDB decide it was going to give me some magic smoke. I am going to test the “un inverted” aka inverted FRsky on my R9mm on monday after amazonclaus brings my new PDB.

Doubt it will work, tried it with a R-XSR with un-inverted input. It’s not just inversion it’s the half-duplex thing as Paul said. Ask Mr. Amazon to bring an F7, that’s what I’m doing!

That makes more sense. Guess i am ordering some parts to make the inversion cable. I was thinking about that a few weeks ago when i went to the v6. I could toss this into the Dollar tree foam board Jet I am building.

frankly easiest way is to go with kakute f7 board, as everything on it works - but, an external inverter is also an option. there are always choices.


I have a question. I’d like to find out about the Omnibus F4 V5. Which firmware file can I install?
V6 maybe?
Thank you for your choice.

Hi Viktor

Hi Viktor,

You want the omnibusf4pro build. A link for the copter stable release is Here for you.



Could you please share your final PIDs? Including Stabilize P and if any specific configuration related to the flight behavior ?
No matter how hard i try i can’t get a small quad to fly well :frowning: