Hello ,
has anyone configured object avoidance sensors to pixhawk(6 of them for hexa) using HC-SR04 ?
I am unable to get the proximity distances on mission planner ?
what pramaters to configure for using HC-SR04 sensors ?
March 16, 2020, 10:47am
I have not experimented with sonar on avoidance, here is my blog on the subject
Ahhh… Winter in Canada …
While the kids play hockey outside with sticks and a puck , I play inside with sticks and a POC !!
A few month ago I started experimenting with the Avoidance Library:
And I designed The POC : Proximity Obstacle Collision avoidance system based on an Arduino Pro Mini and VL50LX0 TOF rangefinders. This unit works pretty well, the only drawback is that it is sh…
(David )
March 16, 2020, 4:00pm
Good day, a good obstacle avoidance is also the teraranger evo with the sensor 60m.
Im using it on all my drones and work very well.