Notice - A $2?9 Mini Android Controller from SIYI - 10 KM Range @ 1080P 180 ms, 8-core CPU

I have an Mk15 enterprise set up on a quad. I have followed the manual for antenna placement on the air unit and running it on the 5km low latency flight mode. I’m getting only about 30 meters of range, before triggering a radiofailsafe. Even the video is very laggy and has absolutely no range. How do i fix this?? Its supposed to give 5km range but not even getting 50meters.

I have the same thing, but it’s enough for 300 meters, because of this the drone fell

Maybe the antanna cables are too close yo the PDB.

I think the point is that we came across defective modules

Please provide a little more information by following the below questions:

  1. What makes you think that the rang is not good?
    :black_circle: Signal Loss: Image disappears, and RC status indicator is red.
    :black_circle: Only image disappears (RC status indicator is green)

  2. What camera you are using?

  3. What app you are using for video stream?

  1. The image gets very choppy and disappears, the RC status indicator turns red, triggering a radio failsafe just in about 30m range.
  2. I’m using Siyi Mk15 IP67 camera.
  3. Siyi FPV app on the controller.

What should be the minimum distance? Right now there’s about 6cm of distance between the pdb and the cables.

Check if the antenna is properly connected on both the transmitter and receiver, the range should be about 15 km in open air with many people getting more than 21 km. Also the antenna placement seems ok on your quad and should not be the issue for getting less range.

Then please provide us some more information from #3 to #6 by following in the user manual chapter 2.2.6 for trouble-shooting

I see the antenna cables close to the PDB and batteries and their leads. Try first to get them away as far as possible and see if you get the right range. than you can move them closer to see the effect