Notice - A $2?9 Mini Android Controller from SIYI - 10 KM Range @ 1080P 180 ms, 8-core CPU

Looking promising here. I see you can tether the Transmitter to a laptop running Win 10 and Mission planner.

It would be great if this connection could be done over short range Wifi in the future.

But at least this way you can upload a mission from a laptop to the drone I assume and then unplug the USB then go fly but monitor the flight on the Transmitter?

I will likely pick one of these up shortly for testing.

I can request various kinds of information such as communication status using mk15 uart sdk, But can I request it to a port other than uart? For example, udp or… Whatever. As I applied sdk to uart, I think there will be confusion because it overlaps with mavlink communication.

Yes, this way is possible

UDP is also compatible with MK15

is there udp port number for SDK in mk15? (except 14550 for mavlink)

Hi SIYI, I am facing issues in
mk15 with one of the mk15 transmitters I am having double yellow blinks when referring to the manual it represents transmitter Bluetooth is not identified. can you please suggest to me how I could solve this? and with another mk15 transmitter, the transmitter doesn’t pair with any receiver. I also checked with the same initial bootloader with both transmitter and receiver ends. @SIYI

If you do not use Bluetooth at all, please update the latest firmware in the Google Drive link to fix the issue.

I did update the firmware in the transmitter and receiver and still, I am getting the same issue. and can you also help me with reason why another mk15 transmitter doesn’t bind with any of the receivers?

Please show me the firmware version of your MK15 system. You can find them in the same page in SIYI TX - Device Info.

RCU Ver should be 5.3.8

yes sir the issue is solved with the yellow lights blinking. can you please give me a heads up on what might be the problem with one of mk15 that doesn’t bind with any of the receivers?

Please make sure the remote controller firmware matches the air unit firmware.
If you are not sure, please show me the firmware version table.

I assume that this MK15 system is successfully binded. Otherwise you do not see both RC and air unit firmware in the same page.
What is the firmware version of the MK15 remote controller which does not bind with any air units? Please connect that unit alone to the program to check firmware version.

this is the mk15 that has binding issue

Well, the picture shows that firmware is correct and it is already binded.
In what way do you judge that this MK15 unit does not bind? Can you show us a video of its indicator status under current situation?
i have uploaded video in this

Thanks for the video. I’m afraid that we need a few more steps.

  1. Connect this MK15 remote controller and this air unit to PC Assistant separately and show their firmware.
  2. Try to bind them again in distance longer than 5 meters and power off all other SIYI system around.

this is the picture of both the transmitter and receiver connected to siyi assistant.