Notice - A $2?9 Mini Android Controller from SIYI - 10 KM Range @ 1080P 180 ms, 8-core CPU

@Aleksey_Zaitsevsky You too have problems with frozen image at few hundred meters?

@SIYI we followed carefully manual chapter 2.2, antenna are properly spaced, tight and cables are not overlapped or near strong electrical fields, tested all transmission modes on the transmitter but we can’t reach more than 350-400 meters before we get image freezing and failsafes. We also made sure the flat part of antenna of drone and transmitter are facing each other (drone an transmitter).
Performance is really poor, don’t know what else we could have tested. As said before on same drone we can easily get 1.5-2km on herelink.

Do you have a manual where wireless modes are explained?


Found the recent manual and antenna placement document. Nothing new, all reccomandations we already followed. Nowhere is really explained what are the real differences between wireless modes.

Did you test the location services trick? Mine has really poor range, could be the location services in my case too?

Thank you for reply
Yes, they told us we should connect it to QGC with USB port.
Could you please show me how did you test it before?
We want it as a moving base.

As we consulted from CUAV, the most feasible way is to connect RTK Base to Windows QGC / MP. The RTK module does not talk to Android QGC. Maybe Android Mission Planner can talk, remain to be tested.
And datalink stream should be forwarded from remote controller to PC.

On MK15, you can use the bottom upgrade port to output datalink stream to PC.

Thank you for follow up
I have tested. CUAV RTK with Windows QGC / MP worked well.
In addition, I also tested through Android Mission Planner and everything worked correctly.


Frank recommends that I turn the onboard omni antenna 90 degrees so that the flat side is turned towards the operator. How to turn the plane in flight is not clear. Sometimes we need to restart the application in order to restore the image. May be I should chase the drone by car to get a better result?

The advice by frank about the drone antenna facing the operator is really stupid, drone moves around how can it always point the operator.
MK15 is by far the worst range radio we have ever tested. I never had more than 400 meters at 30 meters altitude. We just sent back a new mk15 just got for a customer to the shop and will test a skydroid h16, hopefully with better results.

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We have sold over 30 USV’s with the MK15 installed and are all tested to 750m range on water before shipping. We consistently get video at that range, with link status LED fast blink green, using stock antennas on USV about 30 cm from (fresh) water level. There is nothing fancy about our setup if anything it is far from the ideal layout.

One suggestion I would make is that the power supply has to over 12v not 11.8v or 11.9v. We run 12.2v. The chipset particularly the 5## chip will not flash if power is not over 12v. We have found that out ourselves as we power the receiver from a custom carrier board that was slightly under 12v. Not sure if this maybe a cause of your range issues, just a thought.


we power it at 25volts

Just got a Skydroid H16 and update of firmware is done over the air with just a tap on the monitor. The more i think of it the more i am convinced MK15 update procedure is out of this world. Think i am not going to buy any Siyi radio in future until they fix the messy update procedure.

Anyone who is looking for a single axis pitch control gimbal which is compatible with MK15, welcome to have a look of the A2 mini model at very attractive pricing. Manual is ready!

Are you goinng to fix any of the pending problems of previous products or just keep throwing out new stuff and forget old customers?
As i already reminded to you, after 2 years, not a single problem of the MK15 as been addressed.

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If there were problems, they will be fixed
If there were new products, they should be released

What is the relevance between them?
And why you are always posting irrelevance questions?
I understand that you have a preference of Skydroid products now and you have stopped using SIYI products. It’s ok, we respect your choice and we don’t ask customers for special patience to use any products.
But it is really not necessary posting against SIYI or against my post every time both in private or in public. If it was something personal, please feel free to say it.

Like I said, we respect always your feedback. To save your time, one post is enough to get our attention.

You are in the MK15 thread so i was expecting some news about problems or development of that radio, not gimbal advertising as you usually do lately.

Hi @rickyg32 , @SIYI Frank,
Happy New year 2023, my MK15 unit is still in Chinese language, I don’t read Chinese, so anybody could help me how to change the langague into English??
Any video clear vudeo tutorial ?

Tony, install a tool like Photo Translator on your phone and take screenshots of the MK15 when in settings mode. The MK15 runs on Android so just find the regional settings there you can change the Chinese language to what ever you want.

@SIYI, Frank, put a sentence like this in the manuals

@champ8242 Thank you for your sugestion… Simple and quick…

Could just send the radios to foreign markets set to English and be done with it. He has been told to do that more than a year ago, as usual they do not care about customers feedback.

Thanks for the tip.
Will update it in the manual and also post a video guide on the language issue.