Notice - A $2?9 Mini Android Controller from SIYI - 10 KM Range @ 1080P 180 ms, 8-core CPU

SIYI FPV is also using RTSP.


And you can use the Ping Tools to check if the connection is good.


Take care


Hi Alexander,

The new firmware is ready. Kindly have a check.

For your unit, only the RF firmware requires update.

Best regards,

Yey, I have HDMI connection and output and have even rtsp stream to QGC on my phone ( about a 2sec delay)using MK15 as hotspot connection. Now I feel if I use my phone as hot spot I may be able to stream to my laptop… I have downloaded VLC but so far no luck. I will also try Gstreamer as this is the preferred for MP. If anyone has any tips or settings to make this happing I would be very grateful. I had the HDMI address wrong, sorry Frank.

If I have one ongoing complaint it is the type of plastic used on the air unit connectors - It is a relatively soft plastic (compared to Mauch / Hex) that does not provide positive connection and relies more on pressure, making them more difficult to insert and remove. With very tenuous / flimsy wire insertions this is a terrible combination.

Hurrraay! It’s finally working! Many thanks to Frank!
Now I’m going to fly with new firmware!

So as you can see above things are slowly coming together…I’m using LD and RD on Mk15 to control my Gremsy T1 Gimble, Tilt and Yaw work but I would like to be able to set the gimbal so it doesn’t self centre when I release the dial. i.e If I input RD to the right, gimbal turns right. If RD then returns to trim position (centre) the gimbal stays to the right until I move the RD towards the left. Is this a gimbal, SIYI Mk15, or ardupilot setting? or a combination of all three?

Good day Frank,

I really appreciate you for spending the time to read through these forums addressing our concerns and issues. I am even more excited to see Siyi continued to invest in their products by pushing out new, improved versions.

On a separate note, I am having a rather unpleasant experience with your sales representative regarding a recent purchase. Apologies in advance, but I would love to hear your opinion on this matter. Is my request reasonable, or am I being the crazy Karen here. I brought the FM30 Tx+mini RX set, plus two additional mini RX, so three mini RX total. Two of those are the new V4 version. However, the one RX that comes with the set is the older version with very tiny RX3/TX3 solder pads. I request to exchange the older version for a newer version. The purchase date is 15 Nov 2021. SIYI sales told me there is absolutely nothing they can do; the 7-day return policy has lapsed (by a few days) and thus their hands are tied. They went on to claim that the old and new versions are “exactly the same, performance-wise”, so I have no grounds to ask for an exchange. Imagine going to a car dealer to buy a new car, and the sales give you an older model, claiming those are exactly the same, horsepower wise. I am exaggerating here but hope you see my point. If the difference is so negligible, why can’t they simply exchange it.

So my question to SIYI is, with the new improved versions coming out, what are you going to do with the older versions? Not saying you should give away free updated versions to old customers who have purchased the old versions, but new customers should no longer be getting the old version. Please assist. I really don’t like those tiny solder pads; I have lost two planes due to that . Thank you Sir.

You must be Australian Dave - That made me laugh. I wonder if she has been added to the 2021 collins dictionary update.

Hello I have a drone with a 5G LTE modem connected to Nx Xavier that is connected to the Flight Controller now I was wondering if I can connect the MK15 to the Modem’s WIFI on the drone and not have to use the Air Unit, The MK15 will be running a custom ground control software

Can you explain architecture you want to obtain a bit better?

I assume that you want to bypass the MK15 air unit between the MK15 ground unit and your drone. So MK15 should connect to your drone through 4G LTE?

I wonder how long range does your drone operate?

@SIYI Is there any way to have the ground unit recognize the sticks as joysticks?

Yes that is correct I want to have the Ground unit to connect to my drone through 4G LTE, The main reason being is the drone is controlled by an AI computer and being able to send commands from the Ground Unit directly to the AI computer would help a lot as I don’t want to carry a laptop with me and of Couse the drone needs to operate at a long distances due to its use case.

@Steven_Young Were you able to successfully connect this? I’m hoping to use the ArduSimple RTK, and this would be helpful to know. Thanks!

I have not used it but Phillip Rowse has confirmed that you can use it - I tried to find the link to our conversation in Cube FB Group but alas…I have not done it as my soldering is not so good to risk my Here+ RTK you can connect via the 3 pin connector on top. Hope this helps Steve

Very nice gcs! How could you get to work usb joystick with qgc or mp on Android? I tried both, no luck. The phone itself recognizes the joystick, but not mp, neither qgc can’t see it. Thx!

MK15 Android OS Update 21-12-31

Firmware Version: v1.4_HW4.1b

  1. Pre-installed applications update
  • SIYI_FPV_2.5.266
  • SIYI_TX_1.1.210
  1. G-Board, Google Voice Service, and Google Text-to-Speech Service are updated into the Android OS.

  2. Bug Fixed.

  • Sometimes when an app is moved to the home page but does not store after restarting the system.
  • Recording screen was not working correctly.

So I have MK15 which I bought over 6 months ago. Could you give a guide how to update it ? I just have to do this update:

and everything will be up to date ? My build number is SIYI_v1.2_hw4.1

I did video on the same thing some months back.
The process is the same but the versions have since ben updated.

1 Like

Please try to follow Richard’s guide and update the v1.4_HW4.1b Android firmware.

Android update is the first step. After that you can also update the FPV firmware and the RF firmware. If you update the the Android only, it is fine. If you update the FPV firmware, the RF firmware should be updated as well to be compatible with the latest FPV firmware.