Notice - A $2?9 Mini Android Controller from SIYI - 10 KM Range @ 1080P 180 ms, 8-core CPU


Have you tried in different resolutions?

yes I tried different resolutions, frame rates and H264 and H265 codecs…

Hi Frank! I tried to flash one of my MK15 today. Faced an unexpected problem …
With the new firmware MK15_Android_Firmvare_v4.1b USB-A does not work, USB-drive (FAT32) is not visible or readable.
I returned the firmware MK15_Android_Software_v1.2HW2.0b - USB-A works and USB-drive is detected and read.
Changed firmware several times - old V1.2 - works with USB-A, new firmware V4.1 - USB-A does not work.
Thanks for any help and ideas.

No wifi video stream never worked

Hi Alexander,

The v1.2HW2.0b Android firmware belongs to the older board. Please update the Android firmware in the below link.

The v4.1b Android firmware is for the v4.0 board

Best regards,

Would you mind making a video to show us the whole process of trying to output video stream through WiFi? Thanks!

Frank, thank you so much for the correct android firmware!

USB-A is now working. I flashed both of my MK15 kits strictly according to the instructions. One set works fine- video, date, s-bus are all good.

On the second set, after updating the firmware, the S-BUS does not work. Video works, QGC connects, but S-BUS does not work!

Swapped and rebind sets of remotes TX-RX module . The transmitters bind to any of the air modules without any problems, but one of the air units lost the S-BUS after the firmware.

I suspect that the problem arose when flashing this FPV- firmware unit. I can’t repeat the firmware or at least check its correctness, SKY-HD allows you to install the firmware only once and in the future requires an unknown password, the admin password is not suitable.

Frank, how do I start flashing FPV in SKY-HD again?

However, maybe I’m wrong and the s-bus problem is different?

Thank you for your support! I am waiting for the solution of the s-bus problem.

@SIYI i really think we need a CLEAR manual as to how correctly update all the different parts of the radio, now is a complete mess. I did it 2 weeks ago and if i had to do it again today i don’t remember all the things i did.

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Hi Alexander,

Could we know exactly the firmware you updated for the unit with S.Bus issue, please?

Best regards,

The FPV firmware and the Android firmware are not there for everyone. If you would like to update, write to us and we will support. If you don’t like to update, no one will force you to do so.

And each of the firmware is with its guide.

Frank, thank you for your support!
So, I updated my packages with the same set of firmware, step-by-step -
1.ANDROID QOVCOMM_SDM 450_90_msm8953_64_QV450_host0703
5.MK 15_TX_Firmware_v0.1.5_2021-04-29
8.QGroundControl version 4.1.apk

During phase 2, the s-bus output is lost in one of the air modules. The video and data on QGC are working fine, the second MK15 package all working is fine after the update.
Reinstall the hd_air_v0.2.2_2021-10-7 I cannot, does not allow HD-SDI to re-update the firmware. The password doesn’t work.
Thank you for your help!

Thanks for the detail information!

Your system can bind means that all upgrade is successful.

Your MK15 board is v3.0, I just know today that for the v3.0 board we should make a new RF firmware pack to adapt. Will send it to you asap.

It is the same situation with @steampunk

Yes, Frank, I’m really looking forward to fixing the problem, one important device out of two was left without control, it’s good that the second one was successfully update: but in the end, both need to work.

I assume from this comment that your referring to Covid19 and the fact that Frank is Chinese.
If so the comment should be withdrawn and an apology delivered to Frank. It’s racism at it’s best.
I have known Frank for a number of years, he is a good man and doesn’t deserve that type of behavior. Having problems with a technology does give someone the right to be disrespectful of another.


I completely agree with the previous speaker

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your welcome to justify the comments anyway you want but at the end of the day they are not required and have zero to do with the issue at hand.

Many thanks, Richard.

It’s more than grateful to have your appearance at some unpleasant and awkward moments. I understand that you don’t have to do this and also cannot do it every time.

This forum is pure about ardupilot and its related topics. And this discussion is pure about the SIYI product, anything positive or negative is welcome.

The world today is very complicate. In any incident which can be found political interests, people will pick sides and there will be different stories. Thanks to the internet that you can always find evidence to support your stories.
There are enough places to argue and it is no necessary to start a new one here. After all, it does not make you feel good or live better. And it will be no help to the exact issue that most people involved concerns.

But I do have a little more to say.
From my background, there is no way that I can read as much of the Bible as most people here do. I did recall the story “Tower of Babel” at times and I do today. My opinion is that we may never build the tower together, but we do can work together to speak less different languages.

There is also a Chinese poetry recently quoted by Elon Musk in one of his tweets, of which the story truly happened about 1000 years ago, when a newly enthroned emperor was to kill his brother in blood by ordering him to produce a poetry in seven steps. And the brother said:


One of the translation version I like is

Boiling beans with fire from bean stalks.
Beans are sweeping in the pot:
We are brothers both growing from the same roots.
Why you are making us suffer.

back to amature hour, I’m having difficulty connecting my sony RX100 to controller via HDMI . I have HDMI connect from Camera to HDMI converter > to camera A input on FPV hub> airunit. I have no other cameras connected, but would prefer to use the FPV hub because A) the HDMI cable is rediculously hard to remove from the air unit and the connections tenuous to say the least. Easier integration of the siyi cameras that came with the unit. I just want to dislay on the Mk15 screen without QGC…On HDMI converter I get a Blue green and red light I cannot determine what each is for - red generally not good but which function?
Any assistance appreciated

Hi Steven,

Could we request for a video with all necessary detail on this issue, please? So the support team can understand it directly without my translation which I believe could be inaccurate.

Best regards,

Frank, no video at the moment… is the the way I have HDMI connected ok? If connecting to siyi fpv screen do I use rtsp or ip address with out rtsp I’m not using QGC

Take care
