Notice - A $2?9 Mini Android Controller from SIYI - 10 KM Range @ 1080P 180 ms, 8-core CPU

Hello… yes I am new here and I have been reading trying to find an answer to my issue if Mk15 not connecting to QGC… video connects but not transmitter. Transmitter LED blinks 2 yellow but never solid green. Can not turn off Transmitter. Can someone please help?

Hey Frank any thoughts on this issue.

Sorry for hearing the issue. Could you make a short video to show us the issues, please? The video should include…

  1. How do you bind?
  2. How do you turn off transmitter?
    Please make sure the whole transmitter can always be seen in the video during all processes.

By the way, from which seller did you buy the unit? And when?

Thank you for response, @ work right now but will provide requested. Purchased from and received a week ago. Bind according to instructions. Datalink shows comms (Download traffic). Compass module LED turns green from blue but no connection with QGC. Tried UART & Bluetooth. Will provide video this afternoon after work.

Hi Frank…

Have vid but not sure how to send. My email states file larger than 25g…

If you could forward your WhatsApp contact I could send.

Hi Nathan, I’ve shared my Whatsapp number with you through message. Kindly have a check

@Frank got it and sent it.

Is there already an update regarding the automatic update of the voltage display (checking the battery voltage)? Since I don’t want to restart the QGC every time I change the battery, I would be very happy about an update of this function. Otherwise I won’t be able to test the MK15 in real use this season. The effort involved in constantly “restarting” the app bears no relation to the benefits of the MK15 in the upcoming use (I fly an average of 90 fields per season).

Hi Mike, MK15 will support UDP connection from the new lot. I’ll make a demo video to show how it works.

26+ kilometers with HD image transmission recorded using MK15!

Image transmission was smooth and stable till 25 kilometers, latency was between 150 to 220 ms. At 25.5 kilometers, the image started to freeze a little and didn’t lose until 26.1 kilometers. Datalink lost at 26.7 kilometers, failsafe and RTH triggered. Image reappear at 25.4 kilometers.

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It’s nice to see that these ranges are possible.

It is a pity that the version of the MK15 I have at hand does not allow an automatic query of the current flight battery voltage to be displayed :frowning_face:

Hi Mike, we asked some of our custmers who use QGroundControl, they replied no same problem. Is it possible to show us a video? Since MK15 sends transparent telemetry to QGC, it is hardly to believe that the problem belongs to MK15

I’ll make a video of it later. I hope then I will also be believed.

Here is the promised video on the subject, QGC does not update the voltage display after changing the battery.

QGC voltage display

Thanks for your video, Mike. Does the same problem exist when you connect to PC QGroundControl?

I use Mission Planner on the PC to edit the fields, so I can’t say that.

I will arrange some tests to confirm if there was such an issue. Will post video after that.

Hi Frank,
are there any results for the tests?
Greetings Mike